Forum Discussion

Sarah_Seftel1's avatar
12 years ago

Items are not deleting from JournalDelete table

"There are 437715 items that have been deleted from Vault Store 'Journal Store 1' but have not yet been deleted from the indexes"   same error with same numbers on a daily basis, from Journal DB....
  • Arjun_Shelke's avatar
    12 years ago

    The JournalDelete table should only contain records that are within the Transaction History site settings.

    The monitoring check will recognise any entries where IndexCommitted = 0, the following query will return a list of the affected archives. 

    SELECT COUNT(archiveID) AS 'Number of items', ArchiveID FROM  JournalDelete WHERE IndexCommitted = 0 GROUP  BY ArchiveId 

    Check that none of the archives listed have failed indexes, if they do Update them and restart the Admin Service then run the query again. 

    If there are still items with IndexCommitted = 0 check if the DeletionDate is within the setting of how long to keep Transaction History for. 

    The items should be outside the alloted time period and can be manually updated usuing the following;

     UPDATE JournalDelete SET IndexCommitted = 1 where IndexCommitted = 0 and DeletionDate <=  (GetDate()-[TransactionHistorySetting])

     Restart the Admin Service and re-run the checks, these entries will now have cleared from the JournalDelete table.