Forum Discussion

Carl_Swanson's avatar
10 years ago

Retroactively Changing Retention on archived items


I've got a situation where I need to change the retention of previously vaulted items. I've already changes the users to a different retention categories so going forward all will be on correct retention. I can not change the retention period those users were previously provisioned to. 

From a previous post I had tried as suggested to export their entire archive and then import back in.Unfortuantely this created duplicate messages in their archive and extremely distruptive to my users.

Another option I read was to use EVPM to create a folder with the current retention they are provisioned to. A couple questions I have on that are: One, can I target the messages I wanted to change retention on or does evpm blast the entire mailbox. Two, Can the users move those shortcuts back around where they want to and retain the new retention. Keeping in mind I've already updated their overall mailbox retention to what they need to be on so the folders should be set to the correct retention. 

Are there any other options for this? without being to intrusive to the user?



  • Lets say you have the following

    \My Archived Items\ -- set to a Forever Retention

    You decide you no longer want all items in \My Archived Items\ to be a "Forever retention"
    You can change the retention category via EVPM to be something like "7 Years"
    If you apply that retentioon category to \My Archived Items\ it will only affect newly archived items

    OR you can just change the "Forever Retention" from Forever to 7 years, and anything under that retention category would be 7 years now instead of Forever

    However, that would affect ALL items in that retentioon category for everyone in your environment.

    So the other way you could do it is to run an EVPM script that creates a folder called
    \My Archived Items - 7 Years\ and apply a 7 year retention category to it

    Then you can move items in Virtual Vault from \My Archived Items\ to \My Archived Items - 7 Years\
    Or if you use shortcuts, you can move the shortcuts and have it update

    However if you don't have virtual vault, this will not be possible, since Archive Explorer or EV11's new search do not allow moves.

    Also with later versions of Enterprise Vault, Retention Category changes to items cannot be made depending on your options.

    For instance there is an option to only update categories if the items new retention is LONGER than the original - i.e. you can set it from a 3 year retention to a 7 year retention, but you can't go from a 7 year retention to a 3 year retention

    Another option in there as well is you can't move items from one retention if the old retention does NOT allow deletes but the new retention DOES allow deletes, so you'd need to disable that

    ANOTHER option you could do to avoid duplicates is to export \My Archived Items\ to PST file and choose the option in the VAC to delete the items as they're exported, then reimport the PST file, and there will be no duplicates because the others were deleted, and it should now have the new retention category

    So either
    1. Edit the existing retention category to be shorter
    2. Use EVPM to create a new folder, and move the items to the new folder
    3. Export out the folder choosing to delete from behind, update the retention category applied to a folder and reimport the PST file

    As for the duplicates, you can contact support and ask for a copy of Enterprise Vault Duplicate Cleaner 

  • It doesn't, you'd have to select Export By path and the give it a folder to export from and choose to delete the items, just exporting alone won't work, you have to export using the folder path.

    And the problem with moving shortcuts is you won't have shortcuts for all items
    So if you have like \My Archived Items\ and in the archive it has 1000 items but in the mailbox you only have 100 shortcuts, when you move the shortcuts you will update those 100 items but then you will have 900 items left with the old retention.

8 Replies

  • Lets say you have the following

    \My Archived Items\ -- set to a Forever Retention

    You decide you no longer want all items in \My Archived Items\ to be a "Forever retention"
    You can change the retention category via EVPM to be something like "7 Years"
    If you apply that retentioon category to \My Archived Items\ it will only affect newly archived items

    OR you can just change the "Forever Retention" from Forever to 7 years, and anything under that retention category would be 7 years now instead of Forever

    However, that would affect ALL items in that retentioon category for everyone in your environment.

    So the other way you could do it is to run an EVPM script that creates a folder called
    \My Archived Items - 7 Years\ and apply a 7 year retention category to it

    Then you can move items in Virtual Vault from \My Archived Items\ to \My Archived Items - 7 Years\
    Or if you use shortcuts, you can move the shortcuts and have it update

    However if you don't have virtual vault, this will not be possible, since Archive Explorer or EV11's new search do not allow moves.

    Also with later versions of Enterprise Vault, Retention Category changes to items cannot be made depending on your options.

    For instance there is an option to only update categories if the items new retention is LONGER than the original - i.e. you can set it from a 3 year retention to a 7 year retention, but you can't go from a 7 year retention to a 3 year retention

    Another option in there as well is you can't move items from one retention if the old retention does NOT allow deletes but the new retention DOES allow deletes, so you'd need to disable that

    ANOTHER option you could do to avoid duplicates is to export \My Archived Items\ to PST file and choose the option in the VAC to delete the items as they're exported, then reimport the PST file, and there will be no duplicates because the others were deleted, and it should now have the new retention category

    So either
    1. Edit the existing retention category to be shorter
    2. Use EVPM to create a new folder, and move the items to the new folder
    3. Export out the folder choosing to delete from behind, update the retention category applied to a folder and reimport the PST file

    As for the duplicates, you can contact support and ask for a copy of Enterprise Vault Duplicate Cleaner 

  • JesusWept,

    Thanks for you detailed response

    So either
    1. Edit the existing retention category to be shorter
    2. Use EVPM to create a new folder, and move the items to the new folder
    3. Export out the folder choosing to delete from behind, update the retention category applied to a folder and reimport the PST file


    #1 is out. I'm unable to change the original retention for the reason you stated. It would affect all users that had been on the retention.

    #3. I tried that. The export did NOT delete them from their archive and created another messages in their archive. Maybe I did it wrong? I targeted the retention category I needed to export. Screenshot attached. Plus... crazy time consuming :) Probably have 100 mailboxes or so to do.


    #2: This looks like a possible solution but I do have some expanded questions :)  We are not using virtual vault but we do use shortcuts. Currently on EV 10.4 Started way in in 2006 on EV 6 I believe.

    Could EVPM target a specifc retention category and move the shortcuts to that created folder? and then Once re-tagged with a new retention can the shortcuts be moved out by the users? Their mailboxes have been provisioned to their new retention so all the mail folders have the new retention associated with it. Some of our users have crazy mail folder structures and not being able to move them again would be "life impacting" to them. 

  • For removing items when exporting, you will need to tick the bottom radio button.

    Not sure if that works with specific retention category selection, but worth a try.

  • Yeah. I had a feeling that would be the case but I was unsure what to put in the the folder path. I needed to target a retention or the entire mailbox and not a specific folder. 

  • It doesn't, you'd have to select Export By path and the give it a folder to export from and choose to delete the items, just exporting alone won't work, you have to export using the folder path.

    And the problem with moving shortcuts is you won't have shortcuts for all items
    So if you have like \My Archived Items\ and in the archive it has 1000 items but in the mailbox you only have 100 shortcuts, when you move the shortcuts you will update those 100 items but then you will have 900 items left with the old retention.

  • Looks like that's pretty limited then on what can be done without really distrubing my users. I have no way of knowing what all folders a user has without digging in their mailbox, which I can do but it's just another level of complexity. 

    Would that removing duplicate items tool clean up the mess on the ones that were done incorrectly?

    I'm thinking 3rd party solution looking to be best option.