Forum Discussion

GertjanA's avatar
5 years ago

Storage Expiry Centera - Base on Modified or Archived Date?

Hello all,

We've enabled Storage Expiry finally.. Most items are on a Centera.

The first run shows little to no expiry. I found an forum posting where someone advises that if Centera is used, expiry needs to be based on Archived Date, not Modified Date. Can someone confirm?


  • GertjanA's avatar
    5 years ago

    I have run a Storage Expiry in Report Mode. That shows over 1 million items with a 2 year retention that would be deleted. There are numerous events in the eventlog showing issues. A support case is being opened....

3 Replies

  • I do not think it matters unless you have governance mode set and a lack of ability to do privileged deletes. IMHO the big to do here is if the retention was set at the point of archiving and deletions prohibited until that retention is hit. The criteria used to determine what should be deleted should be storage independent IMO.
    • GertjanA's avatar

      I have run a Storage Expiry in Report Mode. That shows over 1 million items with a 2 year retention that would be deleted. There are numerous events in the eventlog showing issues. A support case is being opened....

      • GertjanA's avatar

        I am unable to figure out what is happening, a support case is opened. I do have a hunch, but will rely on Veritas to find and resolve...