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Tonaco_pt's avatar
10 years ago

Vault items "Awaiting Backup" not cleairing down below 3414


When  I open http://localhost/EnterpriseVault/usage.asp after backup DPM (trigger file method for clear itemsecured flag.), I follow the discussion

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I have check the table WatchFile under the Vaultstore DB and found that there are 3414 item with the value "1" for ItemSecured column.

USE [EVVSVaultStore_1]
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[WatchFile] 

I ran a Dtrace (set StorageFileWatch v y)  after a backup (set/clear backup mode, delete IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.old and create the IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt), log see attach file, For example I found this:

{CWatchFileTimer::CheckTriggerFileExists}|Trigger file G:\Enterprise Vault Stores\VaultStore Ptn3\PartitionSecuredNotification.xml not found so searching for .txt file

{CWatchFileTimer::CheckTriggerFileExists}|Trigger file G:\Enterprise Vault Stores\VaultStore Ptn3\IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt found

CWatchFileScanRequest::ProcessUnsecuredItems Information: Total [0] unsecured savesets were found for VaultStoreIdentity = [1] and PartitionIdentity = [11].

{CWatchFileTimer::CheckTriggerFileExists}|PartitionSecuredDate = 2015-05-08 10:05:58 TZ

But for this partition I have 51 entry. 

I Run the DBCC SHOWCONTIG WITH ALL_INDEXES before and after of running (newly created Maintenance plan and attach the file and 

Still no change.

How can I clear this 3414 files.

All this file where backup only with DPM, they are in difference Vault Partition and are from different dates.



4 Replies

  • I checked and all the unsecured Item are in closed partition.

    Exemple in the attached file

  • the key is the "unsecured SIS parts in other partitions" so you'll have to look at your other partitions to find which one is the true culprit.

  • Yes, we use DPM and all the partitions are full backup at least once a day. AndrewB how can I do that? when I run the Dtrace it said:

    3790    11:06:47.364     [14884]    (StorageFileWatch)    <7856>    EV:L    CWatchFileScanRequest::ProcessUnsecuredItems Information: Total [1] unsecured SISParts were found for savesetIdentity  = [20888917] for VaultStoreIdentity = [1] and PartitionIdentity = [3].
    3791    11:06:47.364     [14884]    (StorageFileWatch)    <7856>    EV:L    CWatchFileScanRequest::ProcessUnsecuredItems Information: Saveset with SavesetIdentity = [20888917] has local SISParts secured.VaultStoreIdentity = [1] and PartitionIdentity = [3].
    3792    11:06:47.364     [14884]    (StorageFileWatch)    <7856>    EV:L    CWatchFileScanRequest::ProcessUnsecuredItems Information: Total [1] unsecured SISParts were found for savesetIdentity  = [20905267] for VaultStoreIdentity = [1] and PartitionIdentity = [3].
    3793    11:06:47.364     [14884]    (StorageFileWatch)    <7856>    EV:L    CWatchFileScanRequest::ProcessUnsecuredItems Information: Saveset with SavesetIdentity = [20905267] has local SISParts secured.VaultStoreIdentity = [1] and PartitionIdentity = [3].

    I found but I'm running 10.0.4CHF3 not EV8.0.0.4.