Forum Discussion

cimo's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago



I'm using AIR to duplicate to my DR site for the first time. My environment is version and I'm using two Netbackup 5220 Appliances with MSDP/PureDisk.

In the PDC my customer executed without problems the backup and the duplication jobs.


In my the SDC the import jobs wont start.


bash-3.2# nbstlutil list -copy_type import -U -copy_state 1 -U
 Master Server            : nb-ser-dr
 Backup ID                : nb-ser_1392289269
 Client                   : nb-ser
 Backup Time              : 1392289269 (Thu Feb 13 12:01:09 2014)
 Policy                   : (none specified)
 Client Type              : 0
 Schedule Type            : 0
 Storage Lifecycle Policy : DR_SLP_NB-SER-HCART3-MED5220IM01
 Storage Lifecycle State  : 1 (NOT_STARTED)
 Time In Process          : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
 Data Classification ID   : (none specified)
 Version Number           : 0
 OriginMasterServer       : nb-ser
 OriginMasterServerID     : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
 Import From Replica Time : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
 Required Expiration Date : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
 Created Date Time        : 1392291201 (Thu Feb 13 12:33:21 2014)

   Master Server       : nb-ser-dr
   Backup ID           : nb-ser_1392289269
   Copy Number         : 1
   Copy Type           : 4
   Expire Time         : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
   Expire LC Time      : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
   Try To Keep Time    : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
   Residence           : stu_disk_med5220ps01
   Copy State          : 1 (NOT_STARTED)
   Job ID              : 833
   Retention Type      : 3 (REMOTE_EXPIRATION_DATE)
   MPX State           : 0 (FALSE)
   Source              : 0
   Destination ID      :
   Last Retry Time     : 1392292226

     Master Server     : nb-ser-dr
     Backup ID         : nb-ser_1392289269
     Copy Number       : 1
     Fragment Number   : -2147482648
     Resume Count      : 0
     Media ID          : @aaaab
     Media Server      : med5220ps01
     Storage Server    : med5220ps01
     Media Type        : 0 (DISK)
     Media Sub-Type    : 0 (DEFAULT)
     Fragment State    : 1 (ACTIVE)
     Fragment Size     : 0
     Delete Header     : 1
     Fragment ID       : nb-ser_1392289269_C1_IM



Any ideas?


Thank you very much.


  • the Symantec support during a WEBEX session solved the issue.


    I executed the nbpemreq -suspend_scheduling in my target domain to not start any backup, but this cause the Import Job to stay stopped.


    When I released the schedulations with "-resume_scheduling" the Import jobs started.


    Thank you for the support,



6 Replies

  • Do you have the matching SLP at the remote site?

    It must have exactly the same name as the one that sent it on the primary site - but have an Import Step in it.

    If in doubt on the remote site create the /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/LIFECYCLE_PARAMETERS file and inside it add:


    This will automatically create the import SLP (though you may want to control more of what that import does)

    Hope this helps

  • Hello Mark_Solutions,

    I already set that configuration, but without the "=" char:

    bash-3.2# pwd
    bash-3.2# cat LIFECYCLE_PARAMETERS

    I confirm that the SLPs have the exact same name.

    I corrected the parameter, should the import job restart itself?

  • If the SLP is already there then the lifecycle paramter cannot create a new one

    If it is still not working then there must be anothe issue

    The = is requried from 7.5 onwards

    Could you show us the config of the SLP's on both sites - run this on both sites and show us the output:

    nbstl slpname -L -all_versions

  • On DR Appliance:

    bash-3.2# nbstl DR_SLP_NB-SER-HCART3-MED5220IM01 -L -all_versions
                                    Name: DR_SLP_NB-SER-HCART3-MED5220IM01
                     Data Classification: Gold
                Duplication job priority: 0
                                   State: active
                                 Version: 1
     Destination  1              Use for: import
                         Import Priority: -1
                                 Storage: stu_disk_med5220ps01
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: Remote (Imported) Expiration Date
                         Retention Level: Not Used (remote expiration)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                                   State: active
                                  Source: (client)
                          Destination ID: 0
                                    Name: DR_SLP_NB-SER-HCART3-MED5220IM01
                     Data Classification: (none specified)
                Duplication job priority: 0
                                   State: active
                                 Version: 0
     Destination  1              Use for: import
                         Import Priority: -1
                                 Storage: stu_disk_med5220ps01
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: Remote (Imported) Expiration Date
                         Retention Level: Not Used (remote expiration)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                                   State: active
                                  Source: (client)
                          Destination ID: 0


    On production Appliance:

    med5220im01:/home/maintenance # nbstl DR_SLP_NB-SER-HCART3-MED5220IM01 -L -all_versions
    Exit error: no entity was found
    EXIT status = 227

    but if I don't specify the slp name :

    med5220im01:/home/maintenance # nbstl -L

                                    Name: DR_SLP_NB-SER-HCART3-MED5220IM01
                     Data Classification: Gold
                Duplication job priority: 0
                                   State: active
                                 Version: 0
     Destination  1              Use for: backup
                                 Storage: stu_disk_med5220im01_nb-ser
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: Fixed
                         Retention Level: 3 (1 month)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: true
                                   State: active
                                  Source: (client)
                          Destination ID: 0
     Destination  2              Use for: duplication to remote master
                                 Storage: Remote Master
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: Fixed
                         Retention Level: 3 (1 month)


    I'm a little confused.




  • Interesting! - Have you recently upgraded? I have seen SLPs get corrupted during upgrades - they usually dissapear from the admin console if that happens though (I assume you can see it?)

    It may be worth re-creating them both, making sure they are both the same (I see that in DR it had the Data Classification changed from none to gold at some point)

    Then run a test backup and see if it replicates / imports OK - if it does it is sounding like an issue with your current SLPs in Production

  • the Symantec support during a WEBEX session solved the issue.


    I executed the nbpemreq -suspend_scheduling in my target domain to not start any backup, but this cause the Import Job to stay stopped.


    When I released the schedulations with "-resume_scheduling" the Import jobs started.


    Thank you for the support,

