Forum Discussion

Kak4_12's avatar
Level 4
13 days ago

nbpxyhelper generating more logs at client end

Dear Experts,


On minimal logging level, nbpxyhelper generating more logs at client end. Any way to resolve this?

6 Replies

    • Kak4_12's avatar
      Level 4

      Thanks, so need to run this command vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 486 -s DebugLevel=0 at client end to narrow down the logging level to "0"?

      • L_BR's avatar
        Level 5

        Yes. After a few minutes/hours you can confirm this has worked by using:


        vxlogview -a -p NB -o 486 and look for the latest entry. 

  • I would check client side BAR Gui for logging also. The host properties on the Master Server doesn't give as much client side logging control. Although nbpxyhelper is part of the unified logs and it seems you have set using correct vxlogcfg command.

    You can confirm in the /netbackup/nblog.conf file and search for 486 to find if DebugLevel has been saved to the conf file correctly