Appliance 5230 alarm trap MSDP
At now, we Appears the next alarm in our monitoring system.
Trap Appliance: Fallo Hardware en el Appliance. Descripcion: {"appliance_1_partition_1_errorstatus":"2","appliance_1_partition_1_status":"Optimal","appliance_1_partition_1_ackid":"ack:raidhead:partition:MSDP","appliance_1_partition_1_total":"13.1 TB","appliance_1_partition_1_state":"Warning","appliance_1_partition_1_used":"82 % *","appliance_1_partition_1_ack":"No","appliance_1_partition_1_partition":"MSDP"}
I don't know if this alarm is about used space in the MSDP pool or if about the percentage of deduplication.
Hi Arturo,
This is a warning alert showing that your MSDP partition (with a total space of 13.1 TB) is 82% full. You may need to look at clearing any old images, but if you can't I would continue to monitor - the last thing you want is to fill it up :smileytongue:
The default disk space threshold for an appliance is set at 80%. You can see what it is set to via the CLISH by going to: Settings->Alerts->Hardware->Hardware DiskspaceThreshold Show.
You can change the threshold, but I would recommend leaving it at the default, and working out if there images you can expire. Once you free the space so it is below 80%, you can also use that part of the CLISH menu to clear the warning (AcknowledgeErrors).
Hope this helps,