Replacing 5220 appliance with windows Lenovo server
I have been trying to find anything showing what is the best windows hardware configuration to replace 5220 appliances. we have appliances , master (with 51Tb) and a media server (51tb) on 2.7.3 version. question is there any documentation showing what is best configuration when wanting to use windows?
2.what is the best way to move data from appliance to windows?
3. any advice from someone who has done that.
i want to ask for the most of everything, (like memory, disk, etc.) so i dont run into pitfalls. all i found was minimum requirements.
Various NetBackup Appliance QRC cards can give you a high level view of some of the basic hardware details of the various models and incarnations of the stock PBBA appliances:
Consolidated List of NetBackup Appliance Quick Reference Cards
The thing is... an appliance is more than just a piece of tin. It's a pre-tuned platform ready for NetBackup specific workloads. If one stops for a moment and thinks about all of the man-hours that Symantec and Veritas have put in to defining requirements, scoping, sizing, designing, rating components, selecting components, building, basic testing, performance testing, scale-out testing, tuning, tweaking, learning from customer feedback... well that's a lot of work and a lot of lessons learned.
If one wanted to build one's own NetBackup work-horse, then the first stumbling block is... how would one scale it? I'd have to ask myself, what I am trying to do? Build an MSDP media server for 51TB of raw disk, or build an MSDP media server which can scale to the max supported for my own build - which I think is 96TB raw disk on RHEL. But the 5230 and 5240 PBBA appliances can be larger than this.
IMO, it's all about the quality of the components. You certainly need at aleast two separate really good top performance RAID/SAS cards - and believe me, they are not cheap. One for the O/S and application and MSDP mini catalog, and another the RAID pools for MSDP bulk storage. Then you have to think about SAS expanders and sourcing your own disk trays.
Depends on your definition of fun, but maybe this a back-burner idea to research in your own time whilst away from work. My guess is that you'll spend about 50 to 60 man hours reseraching and acquiring pricing for various components, and still not know whether it will actually all work together, let alone fit together. And 50 to 60 man hours is a fair amount of FTE cost.
I notice that DuckTape has been very quiet... no response to any of the replies?
Adding to the TN posted by D_Flood - not even Veritas Consulting or Consulting Partner can help with this kind of migration.
The Veritas catman tool supports migration TO NetBackup Appliance not FROM it.
In this instance, only the team who developed the catman tool set - Stone Ram - can assist.
Tagging StoneRam-SimonI am curious about the reason for wanting to move away from Appliances... ?