Unable to connect to IPMI with gateway configured
We have a problem with a new 5230 appliance that we are installing. When the IPMI is configured with a proper gateway we are able to connect to it, but when it has a gateway of itself configured it responds to ping and can open it in browser.
Here's the setup:
Appliance IPMI IP set to:
Laptop IP set to:
Gateway set to:
This is all connected via a simple 1GB hub, nothing fancy. In the above config, I am unable to connect to the IPMI.
When I set the IP on the IPMI to, I am able to ping and browse the applaince.
What simple thing is it that I'm missing as to why it won't work when the appliance gateway is configured to what it needs to be in order to be on the network?
Thanks in advance.
The IPMI card on both appliances were stuffed up when they came from the factory.
A full BMC reset had to be carried out in order to get them working using the following process:
For 2.6.x appliance versions on the 5x30 appliance # /opt/PDOS/install/syscfg -rfs
For 2.6.x appliance versions on the 5x30 appliance # /opt/PDOS/install/syscfg -rbmc
# ipmitool lan set 3 ipaddr <ip address> # ipmitool lan set 3 netmask <netmask> # ipmitool lan set 3 defgw ipaddr <default gateway> # ipmitool lan set 3 access on # ipmitool user set name 3 sysadmin # ipmitool channel setaccess 3 3 callin=off ipmi=on link=on privilege=4 # ipmitool user set password 3 P@ssw0rd # ipmitool user enable 3 # ipmitool bmc reset cold
They then sprung into life.
What we also found is that the IPMI will only work on a 5230 if it is GB. If you have 100MB it will work when you first turn it on but then stops working.