Forum Discussion

Andy2345's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago



Can anybody using these resources help?
We are budgeting for next years upgrade and we have to decide if we want to go with a VTL or just raw disk for D2D(2T).  What are the advantages/disadvantages to either or both.
Some that we already know of is that Disk Storage requires managment of the disk space.  VTL offers compression as a tape  would.  Other comments and answers would be greatly appreciated.
I just want to know why VTL when we have tape library and DSU.Main use of it.
  • Some do de-dupe some don't - all down to what it is and the manufacturer

    Either way they do need more management than disk arrays or disk de-dupe and can lead to issues so i still prefer a disk based system whether it be de-dupe or not

4 Replies

  • Maybe this should be in the NetBackup forum rather than the Appliance forum?

    "Just Disk" has its advanages as you can capacity manage it and you dont have any issues along the lines of expiring and clearing down data like you do on a VTL - which will not capacity manage so you have to carefully manage how many tapes and of what capaity each tape is set.

    This is the appliances forum which covers the N5220 and N5020 Appliances so as a disk backup target the N5220 would most likely be the one for you - this gives the additional benefit of de-duplication which greatly exands its physical capacity

    In my years of using NetBackup i prefer disk / de-dupe disk to VTL's purely on the basis of manageability

    Hope this helps

  • I agree with Mark. I've never liked VTLs and I've always viewed them as band-aids to other problems within backup applications.

    Being intersted in disk is a good thing. I highly recommend disk as a primary target for backups and then moving them to secondary storage on tape. Since you are already looking at VTLs, why not give the deduplication vendors a look as well? I think you would be much more pleased with a dedupe appliance than a VTL. In fact, I believe VTLs are a dieing breed. Obviously, you should take a look at the NetBackup dedupe appliance offerings as these give you more NBU features than other dedupe vendors will.

  • Some do de-dupe some don't - all down to what it is and the manufacturer

    Either way they do need more management than disk arrays or disk de-dupe and can lead to issues so i still prefer a disk based system whether it be de-dupe or not