Forum Discussion

TimWillingham's avatar
12 years ago

2008 R2 Windows client ignores exclusions for scheduled jobs

Master: RHEL 5.6, NetBackup

Client: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, NetBackup

Scheduled backup job ignores exclusion list and fails with 84 after backing up exactly 50,000,128 Kb, but restarting the same failed job honors the exclusion list and completes with 0.

  • OK, A couple of things here ..

    At the bottom of your exclude list you have:


    The job log says it is running the job mentioned above and so the ONLY exclusion it will use is for the job is *Hist*.BAK - it will ignore all of the others unless you copy them into the specific Policy exclusion list as well.

    02/13/2013 19:00:30 - requesting resource gaxgptb07xs.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.gr_qpw_sql_nt

    Next ... this could be a timeout issue causing the media failure. When the system is very busy it is not getting acknowledgment from the Media Servers so is considering the session are broken.

    Try adding this file (it has no extentiosn and is case sensitive) to the Master and all Media Servers and open it up in notepad and add a value of 800 in it:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/DPS_PROXYDEFAULTRECVTMO (unix)

    <install path>\veritas\netbackup\db\config\DPS_PROXYDEFAULTRECVTMO (Windows)

    This does need a NetBackup Service re-start to register it on each server but it can really help with this type of error

    Hope this helps

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