Forum Discussion

madhuri's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

21-Socket open failed

Hi All,

I was facing error code 21- Scoket open failed issue.


I have executed the above command "bptestbpcd -client <client-name>



1 1 1 -> -> ->



can any one advise how to trouble shoot this



5 Replies

  • Please show us all text in Details tab of failed job.

    Have you tried bptestbpcd from master server and media server?

    Which OS on master? On media server? And client?

    Which NBU version on master? media? client?
    I am surprised to see connection on port 13724 (vnetd).
    As from NBU 7.0.1, NBU will try to connect to port 1556 (pbx).

    Any firewall in place?
    Or OS firewall on client?

    Before next backup attempt or bptestbpcd from media server, please create bpcd log folder on the client.

    This log should tell us what happened on the client and the reason for status 21.

  • pbrm(pid=10040) sending bpsched msg: CONNECTING TO CLIENT FOR sapb1c01_1415873095     
    11/13/2014 5:10:11 AM - connecting
    11/13/2014 5:10:53 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=10040) cannot create data socket, The operation completed successfully.  (0)   
    11/13/2014 5:10:53 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=3836) child done, status 21         
    11/13/2014 5:10:53 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=3836) sending message to media manager: STOP BACKUP sapb1c01_1415873095     
    11/13/2014 5:15:18 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=3836) media manager for backup id sapb1c01_1415873095 exited with status 150: termination requested by administrator
    11/13/2014 5:15:18 AM - end writing
    socket open failed(21)

    I Have you tried bptestbpcd from master server and media server?- from master server


     Windows x64 media  windows 2012
    VERSION NetBackup

  • Please create bpcd log folder on the client, then run this from the media server (not master):

    bptestbpcd -client sapb1c01 -debug -verbose

    Please post output of command as well as client's bpcd log.

    Please also answer all of the following questions:

    Which OS on master?
    On media server?
    And client?

    Which NBU version on master?

    Any firewall in place?
    Or OS firewall on client?

    Having a complete picture of the environment helps with troubleshooting...



  • As Marianne mentiones.


    bpbrm log - media

    bpcd log- client

    vnetd log- client

    PBX log - client  (

    PBX log should be a debug level 10 which is default, TN above shows how to check.

    To view the PBX log, you need this command

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogview -p 50936 -o 103 -t 24:00:00

    This gives the past 24 hrs logs, if you run the command very soon after a failure, then you can reduce this to say the past 1 hr, providing the error happen within the past hr (ie. it is relevant to when the command is run).

    Also provide the details from the Activity Monitor from the failed job (details tab) so the times of the failure are known, and advise if the client is in the same timezone as the media server.

    The other logs are created just by ceating the directory in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs, bpcd and vnetd will need restarting if the logs don't exist, or if the VERBOSE level is changed.

    I usually just get the logs at VERBOSE 5, saves missing anything that might be useful if the logs are set lower, though as Marianne suggests a lower level may be ok (but NOT 0 )

    Other questions that need answering and all of these are important

    Did this ever work ?

    If it did, when did it stop working

    What changes were made around this time (becasue something has changed, you don't get errors like this out of thin air).

    Ask your colleagues, if you don't know of any changes yourself - eg OS patches 

    Is there are firewall between media and client ?  If so, can you disable it, at least for a quick test