Forum Discussion

ankur1809's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

4239 error code

i am getting error code 4239 related to VM machines. Getting error on few servers :


NBU version: 7.6

10/28/2014 18:00:00 - Info nbjm (pid=10211) starting backup job (jobid=5264469) for client dalcdctest, policy DT_VMWARE_VW, schedule Differential-Inc
10/28/2014 18:00:00 - Info nbjm (pid=10211) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=5264469, request id:{24CF53A0-5EF6-11E4-B3F3-BBAF8E360E50})
10/28/2014 18:00:00 - requesting resource STU_DDR1_DALMEDIA4
10/28/2014 18:00:00 - requesting resource nbutx2.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.dalcdctest
10/28/2014 18:00:00 - requesting resource nbutx2.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.DT_VMWARE_VW
10/28/2014 18:00:01 - Info nbrb (pid=10160) Limit has been reached for the logical resource nbutx2.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.DT_VMWARE_VW
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - granted resource  nbutx2.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.dalcdctest
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - granted resource  nbutx2.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.DT_VMWARE_VW
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - granted resource  MediaID=@aaae7;DiskVolume=ddr1_vw;DiskPool=DDR1_DP;Path=ddr1_vw;StorageServer=ddr1;MediaServer=dalmedia4
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - granted resource  STU_DDR1_DALMEDIA4
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - estimated 779953 kbytes needed
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - begin Parent Job
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - begin VMware: Start Notify Script
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - Info RUNCMD (pid=17510) started
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - Info RUNCMD (pid=17510) exiting with status: 0
Operation Status: 0
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - end VMware: Start Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:00
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - begin VMware: Step By Condition
Operation Status: 0
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - end VMware: Step By Condition; elapsed time 0:00:00
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - begin VMware: Read File List
Operation Status: 0
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - end VMware: Read File List; elapsed time 0:00:00
10/28/2014 18:02:14 - begin VMware: Create Snapshot
10/28/2014 18:02:15 - started process bpbrm (pid=11092)
10/28/2014 18:02:17 - Info bpbrm (pid=11092) dalcdctest is the host to backup data from
10/28/2014 18:02:17 - Info bpbrm (pid=11092) reading file list for client
10/28/2014 18:02:17 - Info bpbrm (pid=11092) start bpfis on client
10/28/2014 18:02:17 - Info bpbrm (pid=11092) Starting create snapshot processing
10/28/2014 18:02:21 - Info bpfis (pid=8488) Backup started
10/28/2014 18:02:24 - snapshot backup of client dalcdctest using method VMware_v2
10/28/2014 18:02:36 - Critical bpbrm (pid=11092) from client dalcdctest: FTL - VMware_freeze: VIXAPI freeze failed unknown client dalcdctest: SYM_VMC_FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - Critical bpbrm (pid=11092) from client dalcdctest: FTL - vfm_freeze: method: VMware_v2, type: FIM, function: VMware_v2_freeze
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - Critical bpbrm (pid=11092) from client dalcdctest: FTL - vfm_freeze: method: VMware_v2, type: FIM, function: VMware_v2_freeze
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - Critical bpbrm (pid=11092) from client dalcdctest: FTL - snapshot processing failed, status 4239
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - Critical bpbrm (pid=11092) from client dalcdctest: FTL - snapshot creation failed, status 4239
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - Warning bpbrm (pid=11092) from client dalcdctest: WRN - ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES is not frozen
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - Info bpfis (pid=8488) done. status: 4239
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - end VMware: Create Snapshot; elapsed time 0:00:23
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - Info bpfis (pid=8488) done. status: 4239: Unable to find the virtual machine
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - end writing
Operation Status: 4239
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:00:23
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - begin VMware: Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - end VMware: Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
10/28/2014 18:02:37 - begin VMware: Delete Snapshot
10/28/2014 18:02:38 - started process bpbrm (pid=2148)
10/28/2014 18:02:40 - Info bpbrm (pid=2148) Starting delete snapshot processing
10/28/2014 18:02:42 - end writing
Operation Status: 4207
Operation Status: 4239
10/28/2014 18:02:43 - Info bpfis (pid=4288) Backup started
10/28/2014 18:02:43 - Critical bpbrm (pid=2148) from client dalcdctest: cannot open C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.dalcdctest_1414537334.1.0
10/28/2014 18:02:43 - Info bpfis (pid=4288) done. status: 4207
10/28/2014 18:02:43 - end VMware: Delete Snapshot; elapsed time 0:00:06
10/28/2014 18:02:43 - Info bpfis (pid=4288) done. status: 4207: Could not fetch snapshot metadata or state files
Unable to find the virtual machine  (4239)


  • There was an permission issue @VM side that was fixed by VM team. As it was a newly configured Vcenter in environment.

7 Replies

Replies have been turned off for this discussion
  • This usually points to a name resolution or network error.

    Does 'dalcdtest' resolve forwards and backwards with what you would expect?

    Are you able to browse to these clients from within the GUI OK?

    Is it possible there is a case-sensitivity issue in play?

    In the NetBackup 7.6 policy Query Builder, display names, resource pool names, and vApp names are case sensitive

    I ask this because it looks like your policy and pool names appear to be in all caps, so I'm wondering about your client names, too.

  • In Vcenter IP is assigned to that particular client. client is out of customer domain. When i execute command : /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -hn it results error code 48 as hostname resolution not found.
  • Kindly ignore above post. I am able to resolve name for every server that is failing. /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -hn dalcdctest host dalcdctest: at aliases: dalcdctest
  • Yes i am able to browse client within Vcenter but still backup is not successful.
  • There was an permission issue @VM side that was fixed by VM team. As it was a newly configured Vcenter in environment.