Forum Discussion

mohanty's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Absence of Windows Netbackup Admin Console in Netbackup 7.7

Hi All,

As you aware Veritas removed Windows Netbackup Admin Console in netbackup 7.7 onwards which seems to be a bad decission taken by Veritas. It is very easy, Fast and convinient to do day to day backadmin task using Netbackup Admin console comparing to Netbackup Java console. Many features and flexibility which is available in windows Netbackup admin console is not present in JAVA console.

So this is an appeal and request to Veritas to implement this feature again in netbackup 7.7 or else this will bring backupadmins life to hell.

I just checked and found few draw backs in java console:

1) we are unable to filter-out things easily.

2) java console works slow

3) the java console gui doesn't shrink properly to press oK, apply , modify or cancel

4) restorating data is bit complicated ( in windows restore path needs to be given in Unix format)

5) Unable to view topology windows in java GUI

6) Can't browse client drives. so always dependant on other team to get confirmation which is also time consuming process.

7) Unable copy client name or policy name from Details Jobs.

There might be many more things which is easily done by Windows Admin console but not in JAVA console.

Please provide your thought on this. Hopefully Veritas will implement




  • This has been discussed in many long threads (I started at least one)..and the feedback is always "we've decided to infect more and more of NetBackup with Java despite how hard Oracle is trying to destroy it and how insecure it's been proven to be".

    So, unless a company with a huge install base convinces their CEO to talk to the new CEO of Veritas and tell him exactly how bad this decision was, we're probably too late.

    As for my installs, I'm sticking with until it either falls out of support or we need a feature that's been introduced since then.


3 Replies

  • This has been discussed in many long threads (I started at least one)..and the feedback is always "we've decided to infect more and more of NetBackup with Java despite how hard Oracle is trying to destroy it and how insecure it's been proven to be".

    So, unless a company with a huge install base convinces their CEO to talk to the new CEO of Veritas and tell him exactly how bad this decision was, we're probably too late.

    As for my installs, I'm sticking with until it either falls out of support or we need a feature that's been introduced since then.


  • I agree with you . This is really a dissapointing decission taken by Veritas. My plan is also to stick to 7.6.1 unless until there is really any need for new feature. Also, Netbackup is popular comparing to other backup tools because of it's managebility. If they are going to make it complicated for backup admins on their daily task then surely Backup admins will start recommending different tool to their customer.

    Veritas - Please look into this matter to your higher authority or else it may be a major set back for you slowly...

  • You need to bring your concerns to the attention of NetBackup Product Management.

    Work with your local reseller or SE to get hold of Product Management.