Forum Discussion

JimmyB2's avatar
Level 4
3 years ago

Adding new user to Netbackup

Hi all,

could you please advice me how to add new user to Netbackup 9.1? I need this new user for monitoring purposes.

The master server is running on linux OS. I have found in documentation following commands, but I am not sure, that it is right.

To create the local user account, enter the following: # useradd -c 'NetBackup Services account' -d /usr/openv/ <user name>

On the other, here in the forum I have found out, that the user is taken from the OS level and it is just enough to put the user to /usr/openv/java/auth.conf ?

Any help will be much appreciated!

  • I see in your post you are referring to the nbwebsvc, this is created during initial installation of the master. It should already be there otherwise you'd be having issues with the NBU Web Management console service.

    The way I did it was

    Create local user.

    Add them to the relevant role in RBAC via webui using admin account or create a custom role.

    Generated a token for them.

  • JimmyB2 

    Yes, you are on the right track. If you are logged in to the linux host as root, you can add that nbwebsvc user account. Also remember to add the nbwebgrp "group" as well.

    This user account does not need to be added to the auth.conf file. This specific user account is not one that will be used to log into the Java GUI or web interface as that user. It is used by NetBackup for specific NetBackup services/daemons.

  • what kind of monitoring are you looking to configure via this user?

    you can always use Opscenter to send alerts for multiple scanarios.

  • you should be creating new user for API calls and create authorization key for it.

    you can ask you Linux admin to create a user for you with admin priviliges on openv folder


  • Hello Jimmy,

    As long as your user have admin(sudo) access on /usr/openv dir at minimum, you should be able to make API call with its token. if you can add your user to local admin grp then it would work too.

  • I see in your post you are referring to the nbwebsvc, this is created during initial installation of the master. It should already be there otherwise you'd be having issues with the NBU Web Management console service.

    The way I did it was

    Create local user.

    Add them to the relevant role in RBAC via webui using admin account or create a custom role.

    Generated a token for them.

  • Hi all! The solution was surprisingly easier than I thought. As written by L_BR , it was needed to bind the local user with the RBAC role. Unfortunately, firstly I was adding suffing Unix to username as suggested from Netbackup help, but no user was found. Therefore, there will be no suffix needed and it was just fine to type the name of the local (unix) user. This one has been found by Netbackup and added to the relevant role.

  • Hi All,


    I had created user in Solaris, while opening NetBackup gui this user has limited access. I found useful path /usr/openv/java/auth.conf  added that user and its worked fine for me.

    Many thanks.


  • Indeed, I need to utilize existing python scripts and API calls to be able to transfer information from Netbackup in to the our monitoring tool. Then, in fact, do I need to have any extra netbackup user or is it just enough to create API key to be able to login in order to collect data?

  • Hi Azhar4  thank you very much for your input. Of course, I know how to create new user on linux OS - just type useradd and the task is done. Unfortunately, I dont know, what to do to make linux user to be Netbackup user as well. As said previously, I need to create Netbackup user to utilize API calls.

  • Hi Azhar!

    then, I would say, the procedure could be firstly to create the linux user, secondly add the user to sudoers file and finally to create API key via web gui. Is it right?