Adding San Client in cluster
Dear Frineds ,
I have to configure san client in Cluster enviorment ,so as per SAN Client admin guide i ran the following command .
1. nbemmcmd –addhost –machinename virtual_name –machinetype app_cluster
2. nbemmcmd –updatehost –add_server_to_app_cluster –machinename client_name –clustername virtual_name
1st command ran sucessfully but 2nd command giving output that command didn't completed sucessfully.
Master Server is :- Windows 2008 R2 Enterprises.
FT Media is Linux
Client is AIX.
Note :- Client is not been configured as SAN client so far , like zoning and driver creation . i was running these command first but did not sucess .
Please Help
Thank You !!
if something JUST WORKED doesn't mean it should work .... there is process outlined thus need to follow steps
Its node which are actual SAN client not the virtual name...
virtual name is to get NBU understand SAN CLIENT are actually nodes of CLUSTER hence we create app cluster and add nodes in it.
Better remove app cluster for now..
start from beginning and let us know if you still face the same issue.