After change the client hostname, the client backups are still working fine with old hostname
Hello Guys,
Today I made one testing --- change one NBU8.2 Linux client hostname. And then observe the client backups status.
This NBU8.2 Linux client backups always work fine before change the IP address. Then I started to manually change the client hostname with command: hostnamectl set-hostname <NEW hostname>. It works. Running hostname command shows the New hostname.
And I manually updated the local /etc/hosts file with the New client hostname. Then I updated the "CLIENT_NAME" entry with the New client hostname in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on this client. After done, I manually restarted the NBU8.2 client services on this client. All looked fine so far. Run command: bpclntcmd -pn -verbose on this client, the output is the OLD hostname entry.
NOTE: From NBU8.2 Master/Media servers' side, nothing is updated/changed regarding this client for now.
At this time I manually initiated the FS backup policy of this client from NBU8.2 Master side. Certainly the existing policy still contains the OLD client hostname under Client tab. As a result, the backup still worked fine with OLD client hostname. Why?
On the Master/Media server, run command: bptestbpcd -client <Client IP or Old hostname> , it was OK.
I was confused. I thought that it should be failed at the moment. At least it needs to renew the existing certificate. Right?
Thanks in advance.
Hi - the fact that client name change does not break certification must be by design. With certification when clients are initially installed they select (self-create and self-assign) for themselves a "host GUID". And it is this "host GUID" which is certificated, not a client name. Hence clients still work after changing name.