Change client hostname
I have linux master server and I have installed windows client backup with hostname = winhost1
How to change the client hostname to = winhost1a
would you like to change the client name for the OS or in netbackup?
if in OS check your System admin would need to do that..
if in netbackup go to below location in client registory
and add the user name that you would like to use.
make sure the same name is resolving in the Master server and media servers
also make sure the same name is used in the backup policy for that client.
After you have changed Client_Name and the client name in the policy, create a symbolic link on the master to link old name to new name:
cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images
ln -s winhost1 winhost1aThis will ensure all images are written to same folder and you can use old name or new name for restores.
If you don't create sym-link, you will always have to remember which name to use (before or after name change) when a restore is needed.