8 years agoLevel 4
AIR Replication for Catalog image transfer only
We have two master servers one is on site1 and another site2.
site1 master server taking backups over storage (resides in site1) through OST plugin.
site2 master server taking backups over strorage of site1 (over wan) through some OST plugin . (same storage we are using to take backup of site1)
Site1 master server not aware with backup data on storage which is coming through master server of site2. so we have to import images of site2 manually to make data avilabe for restore through site 1 master server.
In this case can we use AIR replication two copy only images from Site2 to site1 ? (as there is no MSDP or pure disk pool aviallbe on site2)
IF yes, Kindly descibired in brief.
- You need likewise dedupe storage on both sites.
DD -> DD
DXi -> DXi