Forum Discussion

sumitgree's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

AIR Replication for Catalog image transfer only


We have two master servers one is on site1 and another site2.

site1 master server taking backups over storage (resides in site1) through OST plugin.

site2 master server taking backups over strorage of site1 (over wan) through some OST plugin . (same storage we are using to take backup of site1)

Site1 master server not aware with backup data on storage which is coming through master server of site2. so we have to import images of site2 manually to make data avilabe for restore through site 1 master server.

In this case can we use AIR replication two copy only images from Site2 to site1 ? (as there is no MSDP or pure disk pool aviallbe on site2)

IF yes, Kindly descibired in brief.

  • Marianne's avatar
    8 years ago
    You need likewise dedupe storage on both sites.
    MSDP -> MSDP
    DD -> DD
    DXi -> DXi
  • You need a MSDP/puredisk to AIR/replicate to/from between masters.  

    • sumitgree's avatar
      Level 4

      I do not have MSDP/puredisk on site2 only OST plugin, can i perform AIR through OST

  • That is not how AIR works or what it is designed for.

    Most OST appliances support AIR - chech NBU HCL for your hardware.

    It works like this: Master1 backs up to OST1.
    Master2 has OST2 configured.
    In the background, a relationship is setup between OST1 and OST2 through the vendor software.

    You now configure AIR on both sides by adding credentials, configure SLPs on Master1 to backup to OST1 and then replicate to OST2. Data is replicated along with catalog info.

    When replication has completed, Master2 receives notification via OST plugin and imports the Catalog info. The import job takes a few seconds.

    Master2 now has all the data backed up by Master1 and you can restore from anywhere.
    • sumitgree's avatar
      Level 4

      Thanks Marianne for your response its really helpful for me. Does netbackup AIR will work if we have one site MSDP and another site OST ?

      One more question i have, Do we required same OST plgugin  provider on both sites for AIR replciation or OST from different vendors will work. (For ex. one site OST for data domain installed and on another site OST for Quntum Dxi installed)



      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6
        You need likewise dedupe storage on both sites.
        MSDP -> MSDP
        DD -> DD
        DXi -> DXi