Forum Discussion

reachah's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

All backup suddenly getting failed with 2059 error

Never seen this error . Master server version - RedHat Linux , NB

nbemmcmd -lishosts

nbemmcmd -getemmserver 

Both commnds giving the expected o/p

Pls assist how to proceed further

  • @Will Restore : Thanks for your response,I did verify it in the SYmantec Forum about the article which you had suggested ,however it was not of much help

    Post recycling of the services in Master & all media servers,issues got resolved . However raised a case with vendor,to check why the issue had occured to which Symantec itself did not commit to specific reasons !!

5 Replies

  • from the Status Code guide

    NetBackup status code: 2059

    Message: The robotic library is not available

    Explanation: The robot that is required for a drive cannot be found in the nbemm

    Recommended Action: Verify that the robot that is required by jobs is properly
    configured. If the error persists, the following logs may be useful in understanding
    the problem : The mds unified logging files (OID 143) from the master server at
    debug level 2.

  • @Will Restore : Thanks for your response,I did verify it in the SYmantec Forum about the article which you had suggested ,however it was not of much help

    Post recycling of the services in Master & all media servers,issues got resolved . However raised a case with vendor,to check why the issue had occured to which Symantec itself did not commit to specific reasons !!

  • Recycling services sounds to me like a tempory workaround, meaning that issue may re-occur.

    Ensure that you have logging enabled on master and all media server to troubleshoot if this should happen again. Without logs and insight into your environment, it is impossible to say why this happened.

    See 'Verbose settings for logs in /usr/openv/volmgr/debug ' in this TN: 

  • @Marianne : Thanks for the response,does that mean I enable the verbose only for 'debug' & no other logs required ??

    Also for how long we can keep , as these are Master(Shared) & 6 Media servers and there is a high chance of File system getting FULL

    Is my concern valid or Did I mis-understodd what you are trying to convey ??

    My inetention here is to investigate why this issue occured .As vendor had said someone tried to update\config the Robot & Drives - Is there any chance to find the same ?? vendor couldn't do the same !!

    Kindly assist 

  • You can only track attempts to change config if you have logging enabled.

    The VERBOSE entry in vm.conf on master and all media servers are needed along with creating of folders in the TN that I have posted.
    Add 'DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS = 7' (or less) to vm.conf on master and media servers to delete logs older than the number of days specified.

    ltid must be restarted to enable logs and changes.