Forum Discussion

GNeil's avatar
Level 4
26 days ago

Alta Recovery Vault Pre-Install Checklist - Hot of The Press!!

Hi Friends,

Here's something I hope you'll like.  If you're thinking about running Alta Recovery Vault and you want to be sure you're on level ground before you start installing, opening ports, applying EEBs, etc. then take a look at my NEW Alta Recovery Vault Pre-Install Checklist!  That's right, before you start typing commands, take a look at the document.

Here's how it works:

1. Answer the questions at the beginning of the questionnaire.  There's 21 of them, but believe me it will REALLY help if you give your Veritas Account Team all of the information.  What are we looking for?  Mainly what version of NetBackup you're on, what CSP you're interested in and if you have all of the required information from Veritas to begin.

2. The next section covers Emergency Engineering Binaries (EEBs).  Now I know we all hate applying patches, I'm no exception to that!  But trust me, your implementation of Alta Recovery Vault will go much smoother if you have the correct EEBs for your version of NetBackup.

3. The third and final section goes over ports.  This is a HUGE prerequisite.  With threat actors constantly looking for weaknesses in your companies protective shield, I understand why no one wants any ports opened, but for Alta Recovery Vault to work correctly, there does need to be some ports opened and the pre-install guide will help navigate you through those rough waters.

And remember, you're never alone with Veritas!  If you have trouble or questions along the way your Account Team and Veritas Support will be there to answer all your questions!



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