Forum Discussion

Dje_be's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Automate last SQL Server database restore to a different server

Hello, Is it possible to script an automated database restore from one server to another ? I generated a move template as following: OPERATION RESTORE OBJECTTYPE DATABASE RESTORETYPE MOVE...
  • infocos's avatar
    13 years ago

    1. install cygwin

    2. vi

    3. edit sqlautorestore.bat, then add the bat to windows schedule

    sh C:\sqlautorestore\

    3. contents of .  just for your reference.


    PATH=/bin:/cygdrive/c/"Program Files"/veritas/netbackup/bin:$PATH;export PATH
    workdir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
    nbudir="C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin"
    mkdir -p ${workdir}/tmp
    rm -rf $restorescript*
    logfile=${workdir}/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.log

    echo "------env info------" > $logfile
    echo "scripts work dir:   ${workdir}" >> $logfile
    echo "NBU bin dir:   ${nbudir}" >> $logfile
    echo "original client:   ${sourceclient}" >> $logfile
    echo "restore to the client:  ${destclient}" >> $logfile
    echo "backup server:    ${nbuserver}" >> $logfile

    # define the starttime and endtime to query the backup image
    starttime=`TZ=aaa24 date +%Y-%m-%d" "%H:%M:%S`
    endtime=`date +%Y-%m-%d" "%H:%M:%S`
    echo "time to restore : between $starttime and  $endtime " >> $logfile

    # genarate the bplist output
    echo "" >> $logfile
    echo "query the backup info using below command: " >> $logfile
    echo "bplist -C $sourceclient -t 15 -R -s $starttime -e $endtime / | grep ${dbname} | uniq" >> $logfile
    bplist -C $sourceclient -t 15 -R -s $starttime -e $endtime / | grep ${dbname} | uniq > ${bplistout}

    # generate database name to restore
    cat ${bplistout} |awk -F":" '{print $1}' |awk -F"." '{print $5}'| grep "${dbname}" | sort |uniq > $dblist
    echo "" >> $logfile
    echo "database name to restore: `cat ${dblist}`" >> $logfile

    # reserve the image name
    cat ${bplistout} | awk -F":" '{print $1}' > ${bplistimage}

    cat $dblist |while read dbname
       echo "" >> $logfile
       echo "analyse backup infomation for database ${dbname}......" >> $logfile
       # output the image infomation and sort by date
          cat ${bplistimage} |grep "\.db\." | sort -t . -k 9 > ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_db.txt
          cat ${bplistimage} |grep "\.trx\." | sort -t . -k 9 > ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_trx.txt
          echo "" >> $logfile
          echo "the database ${dbname} image to restore:  " >> $logfile
          echo "`cat ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_db.txt | tail -1`" >> $logfile
          row_no_db=`cat  ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_db.txt | wc -l`
          echo "" >> $logfile
          echo "the database ${dbname} LOG image to restore: " >> $logfile
          echo "`cat ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_trx.txt | tail -1`" >> $logfile
          row_no_trx=`cat  ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_trx.txt | wc -l`

          # if null, the echo no database backup
          if [ ${row_no_db} -eq 0 ]; then
          echo "" >> $logfile
          echo "database $dbname have no backup information, so can not to restore." >> $logfile
          elif [ ${row_no_trx} -eq 0 ]; then
          echo "" >> $logfile
          echo "just have database full backup, no log backup, only restore database"  >> $logfile
          dbimage=`cat ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_db.txt |tail -1|awk '{print $1}'`
          echo "OPERATION RESTORE " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "OBJECTTYPE DATABASE " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "RESTORETYPE MOVE" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "DATABASE  \"$dbname\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "MOVE  \"${dbname}_Data\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "TO  \"F:\\sqldata\\${dbname}\\${dbname}_Data.MDF\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "MOVE  \"${dbname}_Log\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "TO  \"F:\\sqldata\\${dbname}\\${dbname}_Log.LDF\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "NBIMAGE \"$dbimage\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "SQLHOST \"$destclient\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "NBSERVER \"$nbuserver\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "BROWSECLIENT \"$sourceclient\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "MAXTRANSFERSIZE 6 " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "BLOCKSIZE 7 " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "RESTOREOPTION REPLACE " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "RECOVEREDSTATE RECOVERED " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "NUMBUFS 2 " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "ENDOPER TRUE" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "" >> $logfile
          echo "have database and log backup, restore database first, then recover log." >> $logfile
          # check last log timestamp to restore
          stopat_temp=`tail -1 ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_trx.txt |awk -F"." '{print $9}'`
          stopatdatetime=`echo ${stopat_temp:0:8}`"/"`echo ${stopat_temp:8:2}`":"`echo ${stopat_temp:10:2}`":"`echo ${stopat_temp:12:2}`
          stopat_backupimage=`tail -1 ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_trx.txt`

          dbimage=`cat ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_db.txt |tail -1|awk '{print $1}'`
          echo "" >> $logfile
          echo "generate database restore script......" >> $logfile
          echo "OPERATION RESTORE " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "OBJECTTYPE FILE " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "OBJECTNAME  " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
       echo "RESTORETYPE MOVE" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "DATABASE  \"$dbname\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "MOVE  \"${dbname}_Data\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "TO  \"F:\\sqldata\\${dbname}\\${dbname}_Data.MDF\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "MOVE  \"${dbname}_Log\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "TO  \"F:\\sqldata\\${dbname}\\${dbname}_Log.LDF\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "NBIMAGE \"$dbimage\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "SQLHOST \"$destclient\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "NBSERVER \"$nbuserver\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "BROWSECLIENT \"$sourceclient\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "MAXTRANSFERSIZE 6 " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "BLOCKSIZE 7 " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "RESTOREOPTION REPLACE " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "RECOVEREDSTATE NOTRECOVERED " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "NUMBUFS 2 " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "ENDOPER TRUE" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "" >> $logfile
          echo "generate log recovery script......" >> $logfile
          trximage=`cat ${workdir}/tmp/imagelist_${dbname}_trx.txt |tail -1|awk '{print $1}'`
          echo "OPERATION RESTORE" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "OBJECTTYPE TRXLOG" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "DATABASE  \"$dbname\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "NBIMAGE \"$trximage\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "SQLHOST \"$destclient\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "NBSERVER \"$nbuserver\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "BROWSECLIENT \"$sourceclient\"" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "MAXTRANSFERSIZE 6 " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "BLOCKSIZE 7 " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "RESTOREOPTION REPLACE " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "STOPAT $stopatdatetime" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          trximage_time=`echo $trximage|awk -F"." '{print $9}'`
          stopat_time=`echo $stopat_backupimage|awk -F"." '{print $9}'`
          if test "${trximage_time}" = "${stopat_time}" ; then
          echo "RECOVEREDSTATE RECOVERED" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "RECOVEREDSTATE NOTRECOVERED" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "NUMBUFS 2 " >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo "ENDOPER TRUE" >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch
          echo >> ${restorescript}_${dbname}.bch

    echo "" >> $logfile
    echo "-----begin restore database......-----"   >> $logfile
    cat ${dblist} | while read dbname
    echo "C:\\\"Program Files\"\\Veritas\\NetBackup\\bin\\dbbackex -f C:\\sqlautorestore\\${dbname}_restore\\restorescript_${dbname}.bch" >> $logfile
    dbbackex -f C:\\sqlautorestore\\${dbname}_restore\\restorescript_${dbname}.bch -np
    echo "" >> $logfile
    echo "after this script run over, check the restore progress through Netbackup MS SQL Client." >> $logfile
    echo "if restore have some problems, check the logs on $dest_client  C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\   dbclient  bphdb  bpbkar." >> $logfile
    echo "" >> $logfile
