Backup and BMR status from client side
I need to to find a way to report on BMR backup status per client.
Is there a command that can be run from the client side (Windows or Linux) that will show BMR status alongside the backup status (either success or failure)? I can't even find a way to do this in OCA for that matter.
Something like a BMR column added to bpclimagelist would be amazing.
# bpclimagelist -client client 1
Backed Up Expires Files KB C Sched Type Policy
---------------- ---------- -------- ----------- - --------------- ------------
09/10/2015 20:22 09/25/2015 39596 15118496 N Incr Backup Linux1
09/09/2015 20:25 09/24/2015 39633 14077344 N Incr Backup Linux1
09/08/2015 20:07 09/23/2015 39544 14998208 N Incr Backup Linux1
09/07/2015 20:22 09/22/2015 1745972 183614688 N Full Backup Linux1
The messiest way I can find is to script bpdbjobs -all_columns into a file and grep for BMRERR and then by elimination you can find your daily BMR successes - I'm not proud of this.
Not sure if this will help you directly but this is some thing that might be useful.
Every time a BMR enabled backup completes successfully, the BMR database is updated with a new copy of the "current" configuration. That configuration entry has information about the backup that created it.
So, on the Master Server, you can run this shell script:
for i in `bmrs -o list -res Config | grep "current" | awk ' { print $9 } ' `
echo "---------------------"
bmrs -o querytree -res database -table Config -id $i | grep -e "ClientName" -e "CreateTime" -e " Policy = " -e "BscheduleType"
echo " "
done# ----
The "for in" command will parse out the ConfigID of the configurations in the clients in the BMRDB. Each time a configuration is added it gets a new number, and the value keeps incrementing. The longer the process goes without a reset of the BMRDB files, the larger that number can get. That in turn causes the BMRDB files to grow.
The output will be four lines of output per client which will look like (sample dummy data):
ClientName = BMR_client
CreateTime = 1424313933
Policy = Windows_Clients
BScheduleType = Daily_IncThe CreateTime is a ctime value.
It gives when the configuration was created on the client and will match up with the backup image ctime.BMR only remembers the latest version of the client configurations, hence the name "current".
This runs on the Master. You can run it daily after the backup window closes and save to a file. You can do some spiffy 'diffs' to see what client info changed and what did not. If the client CreateTime changed, it worked. If not, it did not.
Again, I hope this helps.
Logged a case with Symantec but the reponse was what I was fearing.
At present there is no way of doing this, the command below seems to be the only way.
bmrs -o list -res config -client
The egineer's comment is below regarding OCA:
Unfortunately, OpsCenter cannot directly report on a BMR enabled backup.
So... an enchancement has been logged so if you support my cause, please vote :-)