Forum Discussion

Sharad_Singh7's avatar
5 years ago

Backup failing with error 7658



I am facing below error:


09:51:33.739 [17839] <2> bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 7658
Connection cannot be established because the host validation cannot be performed on the target host
[root@n7stl002 admincmd]#


While generating host id based certificates on client


bash-3.2$ sudo ./nbcertcmd -getCertificate -host dvsbn023 -server bak01 -token
Authorization Token:
Host certificate and certificate revocation list already exist for master server [bak01]

  • Hi,
    The syntax of the command is not right,
    On the client try this
    Nbcertcmd -getcacertificate -force
    Nbcertcme -getcertificate -force -token (generate a new token from the master, using nbcertcmd -createtoken or gui)
    Then put the output

1 Reply

  • Hi,
    The syntax of the command is not right,
    On the client try this
    Nbcertcmd -getcacertificate -force
    Nbcertcme -getcertificate -force -token (generate a new token from the master, using nbcertcmd -createtoken or gui)
    Then put the output