Forum Discussion

Bharath_Achar's avatar
12 years ago

Backups of a Mac OS X 10.5 client failing with "system error occurred(130)"


Excerpts from activity monitor deatiled status:
02/10/2013 09:03:24 - begin writing
02/10/2013 09:23:15 - Critical bpbrm (pid=24883) from FTL - terminated by signal 10
02/10/2013 09:23:15 - Info bpbrm (pid=24839) sending message to media manager: STOP BACKUP smcnp71101.advancemags.com_1360504792
02/10/2013 09:31:35 - Error bptm (pid=24869) get_string() failed, Input/output error (5), premature end of file encountered
02/10/2013 09:31:36 - Info bpbrm (pid=24839) media manager for backup id XXXXXX@yyy.com_1360504792 exited with status 42: network read failed
02/10/2013 09:31:36 - end writing; write time: 0:28:12
system error occurred  (130)
Please help me troubleshooting this issue.
  • This issue has been addressed by upgrading client to ; as this was a bug of 7.5 since it does not support check points enable.


    Thanks everyone




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