Best practice “Maximum I/O streams per volume” with Disk Pools
My backups are failed with below error -
awaiting resource CSD-SYD-STU-PD Reason: Maximum I/O stream count has been reached for disk volume, Media Server: ABC1257,
Robot Number: NONE, Robot Type: NONE, Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A,
Volume Pool: CSD-SYD, Storage Unit: CSD-SYD-STU-PD, Drive Scan Host: N/A
Limit has been reached for the logical resource csd-nbumaster.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.CSD-SYD-CA
client backup was not attempted because backup window closed(196)
Netbackup & Windows Server 2008.
Current Setting :
Limit I/O streams = 32 per volume
Maximum concurrent jobs=32
Maximum fragment size=51200 MB
you can use process monitor or any 3rd party tool at the time of backup to see the read/write iops on the disk to see if it can take any more load on this or it is already taking too much load.
If you read through above 2 posts you should be able to sort this out.
Be careful not to overload SATA disk. They have limited amount of I/O per spindle.
Also the number of spindles has a impact on performance. 20 spindles will be able to drive better performance than only 5.
This is why there is no "general best practice", it all comes down to the disk subsystem, type of disks, number of spindles and RAID type.