Forum Discussion

Chukwuemeka's avatar
14 years ago

BMR step guide



NBU version 7.0, Operating system windows server 2008 enterprise, 64bits


hi mandar,

I have seen your videos on BMR but something is not yet clear to me, please can you list it out step by step, this is what i always do.


1. create a copy of the current client configuration

2.On the copy created right click and click on change, then on the interface that appears, click on network interfaces and change the IP address

3. Click on ok

4.Run prepare to discover...

5. On the PTD page, you change the mac address and give a name for the new configuration name.

6. click ok

7. Boot client PC.

i have done all these in two of the clients i have in my lab, but when i check discovered configuration, i never get to see anything. Under task it just keep on showing queued with the green running icon.

Can you check my steps and tell me where i am getting it wrong.

Also when i boot the client, is there a stage i would get to that should tell me that the PTD is not important anymore. (for example, if i get to the interface where i am to put in IP address and click on contact master server).... at this stage is PTD still valid or important.

Must i always add the driver packages to the SRT i am creating, because for that client that is giving me

this error  "failed to retrieve any configurations from the server" i never added any form of driver package to the ISO or SRT.

what do you think and can you modify that step by step process for me, if i got it wrong.



2. Is it possible to restore a BMR backed up client that has 3 hard drives to another machine that has just one hard drive. (please consider this scenario for both clients in the same HW family and also for dissimilar clients).

  • Pity you did not ask BEFORE changing hostnames.....

    You need to make changes in NetBackup (decommission, delete, etc) BEFORE doing something drastic such as changing hostnames . The master knows about the old hostname - it has NO IDEA about the new name.......

    All I can suggest is to change the hostname back to what it was before.

10 Replies

  • did i post this comment in the wrong community..

    can someone please help me out on this.

  • Hi

    >> 7. Boot client PC.

    When user is booting client for PTD; BMR discovers given client (NW, DISK, MSD etc) and sends this discoverd client information to the master server.

    In your case, looking at "failed to retrieve any configurations from the server" error message, looks like BMR client in restore environemtn is failing to contact BMR Master server.

    This could be happening because the new HW you are discovering has some NW card for which driver is not default available in the SRT. Hence NW communication might not be happening.

    BMR on successful discovery of client machine, shows a message box stating discovery is done successfullly. Now user can see the discovered configuration in master admin gui under discovered config menu. Next further steps like initialization of config using this discovered one; mapping; PTR; client boot for restore come (like shown in the video).

    You are following the steps but some issue is there related to NW setting. And driver related problem is a high possibility.



    >> 2. Is it possible to restore a BMR backed up client that has 3 hard drives to another machine that has just one hard drive. (please consider this scenario for both clients in the same HW family and also for dissimilar clients).

    Yes, this is absolutely supported use case. Dissimilar Disk Restore and Dissimilar System Restore are BMR special features.




    hi mandar,

    i also want to believe that my case has to do with the NW drivers, but the most shocking thing is that i have gone online downloaded this driver NC373i driver and have also added the smart array CD packages to the SRT via driver wizard, but i am still experiencing "failed to retrieve any configurations from the server".

    It gets to the stage where i should put in my ip details, subnet mask, default gateway and master server ip. After typing in all this detail, when i click on contact master server .... it then shows the screen "retrieving configuration".........for a while, then the error comes out "failed to retrieve any configurations from the server"...

    Maybe i have not attached the right drivers, please take a look at the network interface screenshot of the copied client.

  • Hi,

    I could find that there is already a similar type of escalation open on HP GigaBit ethernet driver functionality in BMR restore environment. Here IP configuration is not getting set as expected. Yours problem looks like on the similar lines.

    We need to try out using different type of driver and may also need customizing of Shared Restore Environment. The issue is not yet resolved and work is in progress. It is bit difficult to guess on the root cause without having in-depth configuration details and specific analysis.

    As suggested please open a official service ticket with Symantec on this problem.




    hi mandar,

    When trying to restore a machine via BMR network boot, what do we consider in terms of the SRT package and the drivers we add to the ISO image.

    for example,   

    The machine that was backed up is windows server 2003 enterprise 32bits and the machine i want to recover to is a 64bit machine,

    The SRT needed here should it be 32bit SRT or 64bit SRT and the drivers i am to add should it be 32bit or 64bit.

    I know i am supposed to run the 2008 version of any Network driver i want to add to the SRT created before i create the ISO image. Is this true.


  • Hi,
    In order to restore windows server 2003 enterprise 32bits client system, SRT needs to be 32-bit. SRT architecture bit needs to be same as that of client OS architecture bit.
    Now on drivers to be added into SRT:
    1. As SRT is 32-bit, driver to be added into SRT has to be 32-bit.
    2. As SRT is winpe 2.1 based (this winpe version is windows 2008 based), driver to be added into SRT needs to be windows 2008 based.

    Looks like you have correctly understood these points.




    how can i delete the SRT packages in Shared resources Tree on  the GUI console.

    Before now, I used a windows 2003 server 32bit as my boot server instead of the master sever, but now the windows server 2003 boot server has a new computer name and the master server does not see it again as the boot server, so how do i delete all the ISO images and SRT packages i created with it.

    I have tried to delete it the normal way, but it could not delete.



  • Pity you did not ask BEFORE changing hostnames.....

    You need to make changes in NetBackup (decommission, delete, etc) BEFORE doing something drastic such as changing hostnames . The master knows about the old hostname - it has NO IDEA about the new name.......

    All I can suggest is to change the hostname back to what it was before.

  • Hi Mandar,


    When I boot client to restore OS, In "Partioning Disk" step, the client that is giving me the error "fail to verify backup --rc (131)"

    Please to help me to fix this error




    I am able to create SRT but when i try to create SRT image it is giving below error...
    root@sparc # /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bmrsrtadm
    Select one of the following options:
        1.  Create a new Shared Resource Tree.
        2.  Create a new CD image based Shared Resource Tree.
        3.  Copy an existing Shared Resource Tree to a new location.
        4.  Import a Shared Resource Tree.
        5.  Modify an existing Shared Resource Tree.
        6.  Delete an existing Shared Resource Tree.
        7.  List Shared Resource Trees available on this server.
        8.  Quit.
    Enter your selection (1-8) [1] : 2
    Enter the name of an existing SRT : srtsparc
    Enter the name of the new SRT to create : isosrtsparc
    Enter the description of the new SRT [srtsparc111] :
    Enter the directory in which to place the new SRT CD image [/export/srt] : /export/srt/isosrt
    Enter the CDROM device name [/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2] :
    Please insert Solaris 10 media into the CDROM/DVDROM drive.
    Press ENTER when ready (or CTRL-C to quit)... :
    Computing space requirements. Please wait...
    Enter the name of a Partition of size 382,080 or more blocks : /data
    All data on /data will be lost. Do you want to continue? (y/n) [y] : y
    Extracting vtoc...
    Extracting boot slices...
    Creating ISO 9660 image from /export/srt/srtsparc...
    Truncating slice 0...
    Padding slice 0...
    Building slice 1...
    the command mkfs failed
    [Error] V-125-604 Cannot create CD image.
    Cleaning up....
    Can anyone help me in solving the above issue..