Forum Discussion

pep-e's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Step by step guide for AIR on DataDomain

Dear All,

It seems I'm missing a lot of things after reading NBUAdmGuide_I and DDOSAdmGuide. I'm trying to set up AIR using DD's replication, but it is not working for me. I'm not stating that the cause of this AIR not working is on my NBU servers; I'm still searching.

Now to the details. What I have is:

- NBU7.6.0.1 Master/Media as a Source. The same for the Destination.

- DataDomains and DDBoost working properly on both sides (Source and Destination).

- Regular backup policies writing on DD1 on the source side. Also regular backup policies writing on DD2 on the destination side.

- A SLP on the source which first writes as usual and then duplicates the recently created backup image to a special DD1 DDBoost storage unit.

- A SLP on the destination which has only an import operation defined. During my tests that import operation used either the regular DD2 DDBoost storage unit and the DD2 DDBoost storage unit that is supposed to receive the replicated backup images from DD1 (by means of DataDomain replication technology).


- NBU_Source writes on DD1, both on the regular DDBoost storage unit and on the DDBoost storage unit which is defined as the source for the DataDomain replication.

- NBU_Destination doesn't even blink an eye after the duplication has been done on the Source.

OK, I'm not entirely sure that the resulting files on Source are really being duplicated to Destination (speaking about DD layer here), but, can I be sure that my configuration is right on both NBUs?


I'm going a little bit crazy with this, since Symantec's documentation seems to be more devoted to MSDP than to OpenStorage API-compliant devices.

Many, many thanks in advance for your help/ideas/suggestions.




  • I have helped pep-e during the course of a Webex session to configure this.

    The steps are (assume DD7200 is the source DataDomain and DD7200A is the destination DataDomain)

    1) Create an storage unit on the source DataDomain

    ddboost storage unit create airA

    2) Create an storage unit on the destination DataDomain

    ddboost storage unit create airB

    3) Link them

    On DD7200

    ddboost association create aira replicate-to DD7200A airb

    On DD7200A

    ddboost association create airb replicate-from DD7200 aira

    4) On source NetBackup master server, create a Diskpool that must target the volume create in point 1)

    Bear in mind that if that volume does not appear as a "Replication Source" type, then you did wrong the point 3)

    5) On source NetBackup master server, create an SLP (we named it AIRTEST) containing one backup against the storage unit type source (in our case aira) and a replication


    6) On source NetBackup master server create a test backup policy, targeting in the Policy storage the SLP created in 5)

    7) On destination NetBackup master server, create a Diskpool that must target the volume created in 2)
    That volume must be of type Replication target. Otherwise point 3) was not performed or performed wrongly

    8) On destination NetBackup master server, create an SLP with the same name as in 5 (in this case AIRTEST), but it must be an Import operation against the DiskPool created in 7)


    When you start the backup in source NetBackup, a ddbost job will run against the source DataDomain. When the backup completes, a replication from DataDomain source to DataDomain destination will start.

    Once the replication finishes an event will be generated (you should be able to see it with # ddboost event show). That notifies destination NB that an import must be started. You will see an import job in destination NetBackup Master Server.

    This is very textual, but it is how it works. I will prepare a more visual guide.


    Gonzalo Murillo