2 years agoLevel 3
bp.kill_all / bp.start_all equivalents on MS Windows.
Hi all:
bp.kill_all and bp.start_all are very helpful on unix/linux boxes. Wonder why aren't available on MS Windows systems.
I know, go to services.msc and then search/select/kill services. But there are like a 12 services with Veritas or Netbackup names within.
When troubleshooting, the CLI and well crafted commands/scripts are life saviers.
Hi rbadilla
For windows - have you used the bpup and bpdown utilities - mush the same as the start_all and kill_all script.
you can bpdown -f -v and bpup -f -v to start and stop all the services. to start and stop individual service you can use bpdown -f -e SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB or bpup -f -e SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB