Forum Discussion

belse's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

bpclntcmd -pn

Hi All,
I had 59 status code and was trying whether i could check my server status via bpclndcmd -pn command. However when i typed this command it didnot return anything on client. Could somebody tell me what went wrong with the command? Let me tell you one thing its displaying nothing even there is 59 code or not :( 
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -self
gethostname() returned: master68
host master68: Master68 at (0x500000a)
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -pn
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>
  • So, your master server is called WIN-WP5SZOJMGWG and the client is called master68?

    Your options need to be the other way round:

    On master it should be:
    bpclntcmd -hn <client-hostname>
    bpclntcmd -ip <client-ip-address>

    On client it should be:
    bpclntcmd -hn <master-hostname
    bpclntcmd -ip <master-ip-address>

    If you have media servers, you also need to check lookup on client for all media servers:
    pclntcmd -hn <media-hostname> 
    bpclntcmd -ip <media-ip-address>

    If your client is not on DNS, add hosts entries for the master and/or media server(s).
    If your client is on DNS, check lookup with:
    nslookup WIN-WP5SZOJMGWG

    Please remember to clear host cache after hosts file or DNS has been updated.



3 Replies

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  • Status 59 means that the client could not resolve the server's IP address to a hostname that is in the SERVER list on the client.

    bpclntcmd -pn that returns nothing on the client means that the client tried to connect to the master server to find out if the master 'knows' about this client.
    The master server receives connection request from client's IP address, tries to resolve it to hostname, then looks for a policy that contains the resolved client hostname.
    Your client could either not connect to the master on port 1556 or 13724, or else the master server could not resolve the IP address to valid client name.

    Use 'bpclntcmd -hn <remote-hostname>' and 'bpclntcmd -ip <remote-ip>' to test forward and reverse lookup in all directions: master to client, client to master, media server to client, client to media server.

    If DNS and/or hosts file(s) were recently update, remember to clear host cache on server(s) and client(s):

    bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache


    How to verify name resolution for NetBackup (tm) systems, using the "bpclntcmd" command

    When and how to clear the NetBackup host cache

  • Hi Marianne,

    Thanks for this beautiful comment/info.

    I really liked it. I run the below commands and find.

    1:-On Master(I run the below command) for Client. Its fine.

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -hn
    host Master68 at
    aliases:     Master68
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -ip master68
    host master68: Master68 at
    aliases:     Master68
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>
    2:-On client(I run the below command) for master. 
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -ip WIN-WP5SZOJMGWG
    host WIN-WP5SZOJMGWG: not found.
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -self
    gethostname() returned: master68
    host master68: Master68 at (0x500000a)
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -hn
    host at (0x900000a)
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -pn

    However backups are running fine without any issue. But if i run clear host on master it didnot return any value as C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -pn does not return any value. Any suggestion?

  • So, your master server is called WIN-WP5SZOJMGWG and the client is called master68?

    Your options need to be the other way round:

    On master it should be:
    bpclntcmd -hn <client-hostname>
    bpclntcmd -ip <client-ip-address>

    On client it should be:
    bpclntcmd -hn <master-hostname
    bpclntcmd -ip <master-ip-address>

    If you have media servers, you also need to check lookup on client for all media servers:
    pclntcmd -hn <media-hostname> 
    bpclntcmd -ip <media-ip-address>

    If your client is not on DNS, add hosts entries for the master and/or media server(s).
    If your client is on DNS, check lookup with:
    nslookup WIN-WP5SZOJMGWG

    Please remember to clear host cache after hosts file or DNS has been updated.