Forum Discussion

NIKHIL234656595's avatar
11 years ago




I have 3 NIC on my client.

one for prod ,one for backup and one for storage.

when I run ipconfig/all,i have below nic and ip





Now when I run bpclntcmd -pn from client,Which nic's IP will go to master server for query?


nbu 7.1


bpclntcmd -pn
When the -pn option is run on a NetBackup host, it initiates an inquiry to the NetBackup master server, and the master server returns information about the requesting client to the requesting host.  The information returned is, in effect, how the master server "identifies" the requesting host.  The client contacts the first server listed in its servers list, found in the bp.conf file on UNIX/Linux clients (the SERVER= lines) and in the Backup, Archive, and Restore GUI, under File - Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type on a Windows client.  

Bpclntcmd identifies the server replying to the request (the "expecting response from" line), and then it displays the information returned from that server.  The following is an example of the output of the bpclntcmd -pn command:

> bpclntcmd -pn
expecting response from server master_server_01 client_01 3815

In the above example:

- The master server is "master_server_01"
- The connection name (peername) is ""
- The configured client name is "client_01"
- The source IP from which the connection originated is
 - The source port used to connect is 3815.   

The master server resolved to "".  The FQDN was not configured as a client in any policy, but the shortname "client_01" was present. 

If the output showed *NULL* for the configured client name (as shown below), the client is not configured in a policy and does not show up in the image database.

> bpclntcmd -pn
expecting response from server master_server_01 *NULL* 3815

Review the policy configuration on the master server, and see if the peername is listed correctly in a policy.  
  • NBU on master server contains Client name in policy. The IP address that master and media server knows about will be used to connect to client.

    Client will connect back on the interface/IP that is used for this hostname. 
    In this case - it will probably round-robin.

    If there is a database on the client which means that the client will initiate comms to the master server, the 'Configured Client Name' will be used as source. 
    If this is the -bck name with 2 IP addresses, TCP/IP will choose any IP. This is outside of NBU control.

    You may want to read up in Admin Guide II chapter 4 about this topic: 
    Host name rules


18 Replies

  • Did you bind the different IP addresses to hostnames in Client's hosts file?
    (This is how OS and TCP/IP knows which IP address to use for lon100-bck hostname)


    What does 'bpclntcmd -self' show?
    This will tell us what is NBU 'configured hostname'.

    C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -self
    gethostname() returned:
    host at (0x42c50d0a)
    host at (0x53c50d0a)


    What is the purpose of having multiple IP addresses on the same subnet?
    (Basics of TCP/IP....

    OS team has did this.NIC TEAMING is not configure with two NIC card without teaming.. It is a requirement.

  • I'm starting to wonder what made you start this discussion in the first place.

    Can I guess? 
    Backups are failing, right? Probably intermittently?

    Seems each IP address is NOT bound to different hostname in Client's hosts file.
    We see 2 IP addresses for the same hostname: at at 

    Which IP address does master and media server know about? 

    Problem with 2 IP addresses for the same hostname is that TCP/IP does not know which IP/NIC should be used for comms when hostname win12-bck.... is used and will probably round-robin, causing intermittent failures.

    Your OS/networking team should understand this.

  • thanks Marianne.


    My initial query was what ip client will use.i mean which ip.If i have prod ip and backup ip.then?

  • NBU on master server contains Client name in policy. The IP address that master and media server knows about will be used to connect to client.

    Client will connect back on the interface/IP that is used for this hostname. 
    In this case - it will probably round-robin.

    If there is a database on the client which means that the client will initiate comms to the master server, the 'Configured Client Name' will be used as source. 
    If this is the -bck name with 2 IP addresses, TCP/IP will choose any IP. This is outside of NBU control.

    You may want to read up in Admin Guide II chapter 4 about this topic: 
    Host name rules


  • Seems a good time to use preferred network perhaps ??

  • Hello,

    in general, if your client has 2 ip address ( Prod and Admin for example) i think, generally admin ip must be used. It permit to avoid overload you prod interface ( if you have a web server, database or others).

    Regarding your first ticket and like say all people bellow, hostname must be unique and the same on all hosts ( client and server). Using DNS made it easy.

    So If your client has the following configuration :





    On client you have to set a route to use the good interface :

    route add -p  mask IF X

    your backup serveur must answer with his name :

    ping ion100-bck ( if not correct your local host file in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts



    Your Master server

    ping ion100-bck =>

    If not correct your host file


    The following actions can help you to solve resolution problem :

    bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache => clear the cache of Netbackup

    Restart Netbackup services ? ;)














  • thanks Marianne:


    If there is a database on the client which means that the client will initiate comms to the master server, the 'Configured Client Name' will be used as source. 


    Configured Client Name' :ON master server??

  • No.

    Configured Client name is CLIENT_NAME entry in bp.conf on Unix/Linux servers and clients and Client_Name entry in the registry on Windows servers and clients (can also be seen in Host Properties of each client and server).