Forum Discussion

4 Replies

  • Hello,

    there is not direct quick "rollback" command for this. (rememebr that just before the expiry, you are prompted for confirmation becase "the action is unrecoverable".)

    Refer to Admin Guide, chapter about Importing tapes. The process can take several hours per tape.



  • IF you have not run a cleanup, you can run the recalculate option against the backup images on the tape

    Once you run the cleanup, not so much


  • There is no rollback, however if the images were on tape you can import the images back in, assuming that the image was not the last on tape and the tape has not been reused.

    If the images were on disk, they are lost forever.

  • Thank you for the replies, 


    To revarooo, no i havent inserted the tape again, just bpexpdate'd through console, the tape should hold the data still, this "importing images back in" you speak about, how is it like ?