Forum Discussion

Brais's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Bpplinfo/bppllist -l | -L fields meaning


   I would like to know what each field means. Is there any document where I can find that info?

    I would like to avoid to use -U

Thank you in advance.

  • INFO 4 0 0 68000 *NULL* 0 0 2147483647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1266837704 751313D81DD211B2854C00144F42FFB0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 3
    KEY *NULL*
    RES sx1130a_STU_Remote *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL*
    POOL Archlog NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup
    FOE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


    So as per your output

    4 Client type/policy type oracle
    0 no NFS mount points
    0 no client compression .....................

    and so on, please read the TN again it explains it all

7 Replies

  • there is a man page for bpplinfo if you use Unix:

    man bpplinfo


  • Hi,

          @sazz: I have checked those links and I can not find what each field means

          @revaroo: man page doens't explain what I am asking for.


          Here you got an example of what I try to know, what each infor field refers to? Where can I get policy type?



       bpplinfo my_policy -l 

    INFO 4 0 0 68000 *NULL* 0 0 2147483647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1266837704 751313D81DD211B2854C00144F42FFB0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 3
    KEY *NULL*
    RES sx1130a_STU_Remote *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL*
    POOL Archlog NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup
    FOE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


  •  It clearly explains as in the TN

    -l specifies a short list type and produces a terse listing. This option is useful for scripts or the programs that rework the listing contents into a customized report format. A short listing contains the following information for the specified policy:

    Line 1: "INFO", client_type, follow_nfs_mounts, client_compress, priority, proxy_client, client_encrypt, disaster recovery, max_jobs_per_policy, cross_mount_points, max_frag_size, active, collect_tir_info, block_incr, ext_sec_info, i_f_r_f_r, streaming, frozen_image, backup_copy, effective_date, policy ID, number_of_copies, checkpoint, chkpt_interval, policy_info_unused1, pfi_enabled, offhost_backup, use_alt_client, use_data_mover, data_mover_type, collect_bmr_info, res_is_ss, granular_restore_info, job_subtype

    Line 2: "KEY",keyword

    Line 3: "BCMD",backup_command

    Line 4: "RCMD",restore_command

    Line 5: "RES", residence

    Line 6: "POOL", pool

    Line 7: "FOE", this field is not used

    Also if you put -U it will make in readable form.


  • INFO 4 0 0 68000 *NULL* 0 0 2147483647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1266837704 751313D81DD211B2854C00144F42FFB0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 3
    KEY *NULL*
    RES sx1130a_STU_Remote *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL*
    POOL Archlog NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup
    FOE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


    So as per your output

    4 Client type/policy type oracle
    0 no NFS mount points
    0 no client compression .....................

    and so on, please read the TN again it explains it all

  • Sorry, I thought client type was refering to OS/HW.

    Thanks for your help.