bprestore issues
Hi all, I have some problems with a restore from command line with "bprestore".
I state that I can't restore using the GUI because the original folder contains more than 200,000 files and after some hours, the GUI is waiting with the hourglass.
Unfortunatelly this post (https://vox.veritas.com/t5/NetBackup/bprestore-CLI-command/td-p/366234/) didn't help me despite having the same problem as me.
I have to restore to an alternate client and alternate location.
This the command I'm using from the master server:
bprestore -B -L C:\Temp\restore\log.txt -C source_client -D destination_client -s 01/01/2019 00:00:00 -e 01/31/2019 23:59:59 -R C:\Temp\restore\rename.txt -f C:\Temp\restore\filelist.txt
This is the rename file, located on the master server with a return at the end o the row:
change /E/SOURCE_PATH/ to /C/Temp/restore/
This is the file list, located on the master server:
The log file also is located on the master server
The output of the command line is:
Invalid line length in line: ■E
EXIT STATUS 144: invalid command usage
and the job details on the Activity monitor are:
Aug 26, 2019 11:47:21 AM - begin Restore
Aug 26, 2019 11:47:23 AM - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:02
Aug 26, 2019 11:47:23 AM - Error bprd (pid=12064) Access to /C/Temp/restore/log.txt denied: The provided path is not whitelisted client process aborted (50)
Could you help me please?
two tips:
- use the same format in both rename file and filelist file (E:\ or /E/)
- first, test the command with single-row filelist file, or with file specification directly in bprestore command (not using filelist). There is something wrong with this file.
You will need someone to have a look at your .txt files.
Looking in my post that you are referring you, you will see that my 'filelist' file had the same format as my 'rename' file.
Try /E/SOURCE_PATH/file_1 in stead of E:\SOURCE_PATH\file_1
Link to Veritas TN:
https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100010417Best to add the amount of characters ( filepathlen) in the rename file as well.
In my example, the source path had 12 characters (/C/marianne/) and the destination path had 13 characters (/C/morejunk1/)