Forum Discussion

H_Sharma's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago


Hello Experts,

Just need to know whitc switch needs to be added in the below command so that below command shows the disk space used and total.

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpstulist -U

Label:                IC
Storage Unit Type:    Disk
Media Subtype:        Basic (1)
Host Connection:      exchange01
Concurrent Jobs:      1
On Demand Only:       yes
Path:                 "D:\IC"
Robot Type:           (not robotic)
Max Fragment Size:    524287
Max MPX:              1
Stage data:           no
Block Sharing:        no
File System Export:   no
High Water Mark:      98
Low Water Mark:       80
Ok On Root:           no

In GUI i can see the same thing in reports.

Disk_Staging    exchange01    1.999 GB    38.2812 MB    1.9616 GB    98    80    1    D:\PKA    -    BasicDisk



  • Try:

    nbdevquery -listdp -stype BasicDisk

    You can use -L, -l or -U on the end of the command to change the output format - will report on all of your basic disk pools

    nbdevquery -listdv -stype BasicDisk

    gives  a similar output


6 Replies


    The total capacity, used capacity and percentage free space can be obtained from 'nbdevquery -listdv -stype <storage_type> -dp <disk_pool>'. In case of BasicDisk storage units, use the label of the storage unit as the disk pool.

    # nbdevquery -listdv -stype BasicDisk -dp basicstu
    V6.5.5 basicstu BasicDisk Internal_16 @aaaag 142.37 117.03 17 1 0 1 0 0
    bollywood:~>nbdevquery -listdv -stype BasicDisk -dp basicstu -U
    Disk Pool Name : basicstu
    Disk Type : BasicDisk
    Disk Volume Name : Internal_16
    Disk Media ID : @aaaag
    Total Capacity (GB) : 142.37
    Free Space (GB) : 117.03
    Use% : 17
    Status : UP
    Flag : OkOnRoot
    Flag : ReadOnWrite
    Flag : AdminUp
    Flag : InternalUp
    Num Read Mounts : 0
    Num Write Mounts : 1
    Cur Read Streams : 0
    Cur Write Streams : 0the complete command might look like the following.
    nbdevquery -listdv -stype BasicDisk -dp NameBasic -D

    The value is listed as potential_free_space.

    Disk Volume Dump
      name                : <Internal_16>
      id                  : <C:\>
      diskpool            : <NameBasic::server1::BasicDisk>
      disk_media_id       : <@aaaaf>
      total_capacity      : 0
      free_space          : 0
      potential_free_space: 0
      committed_space     : 0
      precommitted_space  : 0
      nbu_state           : 2
      sts_state           : 0
      flags               : 0x6
      num_read_mounts     : 0
      max_read_mounts     : 0
      num_write_mounts    : 1
      max_write_mounts    : 1
      system_tag          : <Generic disk volume>
  • Hello Sri Vani,

    If i run the below command. Pls find the output. I have created some basic disk named as IB, IC and ID etc.

    Pls let me know if i am missing something :)

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbdevquery -listdv -stype BasicD
    isk -dp NameBasic -D
    DSM was unable to find the following disk pool: NameBasic(BasicDisk)@exchange01
    failed to get disk volume list information, invalid command parameter

  • Plz check the name of the disk pool or the volume name that you are specifying.. Or Run the command without the "-dp" switch. You can also run it without the -stype switch.. nbdvquery-listdv-U
  • Try:

    nbdevquery -listdp -stype BasicDisk

    You can use -L, -l or -U on the end of the command to change the output format - will report on all of your basic disk pools

    nbdevquery -listdv -stype BasicDisk

    gives  a similar output