Forum Discussion

danielrickard's avatar
9 years ago

Browse and select Virtual Machine is not updating

Hi there,

It seems that my Netbackup servers are using old cached information about the names of my VMs.

VMs that were renamed fail to backup, because they can't be found. We use the backup select method of Virtual Machine Name.

I try to Browse and select Virtual Machine from the Policy Client tab and, after a while "Loading virtual machine list" it returns the machines with their old names, so I can't add them.

Please help, I need to back them up tonight! :)

  • the vcb name files also need to be removed.


    Also have you tried doing browsing in a different policy. I know in the past I experienced these symptoms when the actual policy was corrupted and browsing wasn't possible.


    To simplify and track the precise issue do the following:


    create a test VMware policy and in the VMware tab ensure display name is the VM identifyer and specify 1 backup host (and not media server)

    ensures hosts file on selected backup host has dns entry for the vcenter server.

    remove (or move if you feel uncomfortable) ALL files I mentioned above.

    stop Netbackup services on backup host - Ensuring that all bpvmutil, bpfis, bpbkar, and proxy processes are killed once stopped (these are somtimes orphaned in 7.5).

    create log folder bpVMutil

    start Netbackup services

    then try to browse (and remember to try refresh).


    If it still fails - please upload bpvmutil log



11 Replies