Forum Discussion

nbugermany's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

bulk bpexpidate

I need to delete many images from a disk, I use a loop with the bpexpidate command with the force option, which works fine, however after each deletion it does a Activity monitor cleanup. Is there anyway to do the entire deletion without these image clean jobs showing up in the Activity Montior?


  • It's default behavior and can't be changed.

    In previous releases where disk images was deleted later image files could be left behind if that job failed or the server crashed. This is resolved now - but the side effect is a image clean job per backup expired.

11 Replies

  • I found out the hard way about how Linux reacts to running a lot of stuff as background jobs.  Running things in the background can use up all of the swap.  Once swap is used up you have hung/messed up the server. Check out some doco on "swappiness" Here's a start :

    I used to run VTLs that manually required carts to be erased in order free up VTL disk space.  Doing a quick erase of pretend disks in loop would only do one cart at time.  Doing the same job but as a background job would result in a queue and all pretend tape drives could be used in parllel which speeded up the process at lot . That was good until system came to occasional halt/crash. The is the potential here to shove a lot of stuff as background jobs and if the system become unhinged -  swappiness is probably the casue.