Forum Discussion

ed300900's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

EV Bulk Recall

Morning guys 

We need to decommission a site (FSA) and recall all EV placeholders for a client site.

1) I would like to know how many placeholders and size of data held in EV for a particular FSA to ensure I have the required space on the client server 

2) Would then like to recover all the place holder for this FSA


Any help would be nice 



  • Does the Vault Store Usage Report show you that information?

    Your options for recovery are:

    a/ FSAUtility

    b/ 3rd party



  • Does the Vault Store Usage Report show you that information?

    Your options for recovery are:

    a/ FSAUtility

    b/ 3rd party



  • to answer question 1:

    login to your EV server with the EV service account

    launch internet explorer

    go to http://localhost/EnterpriseVault/usage.asp

    you should be able to click through those reports and drill down to the get the level of details you're looking for


    to answer question 2:

    FSAutility - you can read about this in the EV documentation called Utilities.pdf

  • i have the report vault store usage and its very usefeull however ite has a compression ratio and tottal archive size .

    Not sure what this means and how to calcuklate total size of data when reacllaed