Forum Discussion

mike-b's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

cannot connect on socket (25)

I have an SQL server receiving an error "cannot connect on socket (25)".  I've verified name resolution from client and server, services are running, and client and server are at same version (7.0.1).  Client is Windows Server 2008R2 and server is Windows Server 2003.  Server logs are included.  I need some direction on where to look.

  • bpkeyutil command resolved the socket issue when encryption was configured properly.

  • from master/media server 

    ../admincmd/bptestbpcd -client clientname -verbose -debug


    above should show you where the bottleneck is. could be port being blocked or communication stalled.

    Try recycling services on client end 

    after services are stopped 

    from ../bin/bpps -a (for unix) or /bpps 


    there shouldn't be any processes left except bpps.exe if there is then kill those process to ensure no hung process are there. before you start netbackup services.

    clear cache from client and media server end

    /bin/bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache

  • HI,

    Is the NBU service is started on client? 1 st check that .

    Status  code  25 refers to  A process that timed out while it connects to another process for a particular operation. This problem can occur in the following situation: when a process tries to connect to the NetBackup request daemon (bprd) or database manager daemon (bpdbm) and the daemon is not running. (On Windows, these daemons are the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup database manager services.)

    It can also occur in the following situations: the network or server is heavily loaded and has slow response time or an evaluation license key for NetBackup expired. However, the most common cause of this error is a host name resolution problem.

    The following are other possible causes of this error caused by network connectivity issues or a required process such as pbx_exchange not running.

    * nbjm is unable to connect to bpcd on the media server

    * nbpem is unable to connect to nbproxy

    * bptm on the media server is unable to connect to nbjm on the master server.

    * You cannot perform an immediate backup operation.

    These errors are caused either by network connectivity issues or if a required process such as pbx_exchange is not running.




  • Is there a firewall between the server and client? If so, check that port 1556 is open in both directions.

    If no firewall, check that Windows firewall is disabled on W2008 client.

    Create these log folders on the client for further troubleshooting:
    bpcd and dbclient

  • I see that the Master is also the Media Server

    So you need to be able to resolve and vice versa

    What we need is the bpcd log file from the client - it most probably cannot resolve the Master (or even does not have NetBackup running)

    Create \program files\veritas\netbackup\logs\bpcd on the client and then just see if you can connect to it via the Hosts Properties - Clients section of the Admin Console on the Master Server

    Post the clients bpcd log once you have done this - if one is not created then the Master is not communcating with the Client at all which could be name resolution, NBU Service not running on the client, firewall etc.

  • Mark - as I stated in my initial post, I have verified name resolution from both the client and server side, and services are running.

    I'm attaching the bpcd log from the client.  The only thing I notice is the line

    ReadKeyfile: keyfile C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\keyfile.dat does not exist

    I've read that this is in reference to legacy encryption.  My policy is set for (AES 256) encryption so I'm not sure why this is popping.  Its not an issue on other servers.


    Firewall is not running on either end.

  • Further troubleshooting has found that turning off encryption returns a successful backup.  So it seems the issue is with encryption during this SQL backup.  Does this help anyone in direction for suggestions?

  • bpkeyutil command resolved the socket issue when encryption was configured properly.