Forum Discussion

JimmyB2's avatar
Level 4
3 years ago

Cannot make Virtual Netbackup Appliance 3.2 Master Server


I have installed Virtual Netbackup Appliance 3.2 in the Vmware Workstation in the ESXi host.

Now, I am trying to promote the newly installed Appliance server to be Master server. However, there is an issue.

Firstly, I tried to promote the Appliance with the following error output:

nb-appliance.Appliance> master
- [Error] The hostname of the appliance is not set. Configure IP address, DNS, hostname and try again.
Restarting command interface...

Therefore, I tried to set hostname:

nb-appliance.Network> Hostname Set
- [Info] The host name that you specify here can be a short name or a fully qualified domain name. Note that the short name always appears in the following places:
-- NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu prompts
-- Deduplication pool catalog backup policy
-- Default storage unit and disk pool names
After you finish configuring the appliance, you cannot change the host name until you perform a factory reset on the appliance.
Do you want to continue? [yes, no](no) yes
- [Info] Setting the hostname to "".
- [Info] It may take several minutes to validate the hostname, apply the hostname to NetBackup and restart the NetBackup processes.
- [Error] V-409-930-003: Cannot set the hostname "". An internal error occurred in Appliance. Check the logs to see the detailed reason.

Do you have any idea which log to check and where?

Additionaly is there any way, how to reinstall already deployed Virtual Netbackup Appliance from CMD line?

And is it possible to do factory reset?

Many thanks for any ideas!

  • Hi,

    The FQDN/hostname to be assigned to the appliance must be resolvable through DNS or hosts file. This is why you're not able to set the hostname.
    You don't have to perform factory reset at this point. Follow the instructions below:

    Network> Hosts Add IP FQDN hostname
    Network> Hosts Add nbapp-pri.home.lab nbapp-pri

    Network> Hostname Set nbapp-pri.home.lab


  • Hi
    Why you would like to name it as it already is? Can you try with other name? Looks like its your test, so call it masternbu for example.
    Lets know the outcome.

6 Replies

  • Hi JimmyB2 

    Refer to your other post for basic steps. You need to configure network settings before hostname. Note the IP configured that relates to the hostname needs to be set on eth1 (not sure this is made clear in the documentation).

    For some of the virtual appliances you can perform a factory reset (CLI Main->Support->FactoryReset). If this is not allowed it wont allow you to do this. In this case either refer the matter to support, or redeploy the VA. 

    If you have already configured a role (master/media) you cannot change it without the factory reset (if allowed). 

    Note that depending on the OVF you deploy, there are restrictions on what roles you can configure.

    If all else fails, refer to the virtual appliance documentation for more details. (getting started guide) (documentation)

    The above are 3.2 guides - search throught he support site under documentation for different appliance versions. 



  • Hi,

    The FQDN/hostname to be assigned to the appliance must be resolvable through DNS or hosts file. This is why you're not able to set the hostname.
    You don't have to perform factory reset at this point. Follow the instructions below:

    Network> Hosts Add IP FQDN hostname
    Network> Hosts Add nbapp-pri.home.lab nbapp-pri

    Network> Hostname Set nbapp-pri.home.lab


    • JimmyB2's avatar
      Level 4

      Hi bhdrkzltn and davidmoline ! Thank you so much for your contribution.

      It really seems that the Virtual Netbackup Appliance has to be marked as Master Server (role).

      However, after setting network properties there is not possible to set the Hostname.

      The command "Network> Hostname Set nb-appliance" ends with error output 

      nb-appliance.Network> Hostname Set nb-appliance
      - [Info] The host name that you specify here can be a short name or a fully qualified domain name. Note that the short name always appears in the following places:
      -- NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu prompts
      -- Deduplication pool catalog backup policy
      -- Default storage unit and disk pool names
      After you finish configuring the appliance, you cannot change the host name until you perform a factory reset on the appliance.
      Do you want to continue? [yes, no](no) yes
      - [Info] Setting the hostname to "nb-appliance".
      - [Info] It may take several minutes to validate the hostname, apply the hostname to NetBackup and restart the NetBackup processes.
      - [Info] Restarting the web service. The NetBackup Appliance Web Console is not available until the restart is completed. The restart may take a few minutes.
      - [Error] V-409-930-003: Cannot set the hostname "nb-appliance". An internal error occurred in Appliance. Check the logs to see the detailed reason.

      Just for checking, there is output of the Hosts Show command

      nb-appliance.Network> Hosts Show
      ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 nb-appliance

      Finally, I am sure, that DNS name is resolvable.

      Guys, do you have any idea what means the error - "[Error] V-409-930-003: Cannot set the hostname "nb-appliance". An internal error occurred in Appliance. Check the logs to see the detailed reason."

      • quebek's avatar
        Why you would like to name it as it already is? Can you try with other name? Looks like its your test, so call it masternbu for example.
        Lets know the outcome.
  • Hello,

    I was digging through the logs and I have found this error message - see below.

    Especially, it says

    (nb_tls_accept: ssl error [140276501698256:error:14094415:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate expired:s3_pkt.c:1498:SSL alert number 45 ]
    20:09:19.843 [38814] <16> tls_accept: FAILED!! while performing SSL/TLS handshake. This would result in NetBackup Admin Console failing to establish connection with this host.)

    What could be the solution to get rid of this error?

    Take care!


    <FILE> root.102721_00001.log
    LOGROOT/NBU/log/netbackup/bpjava-msvc/> less root.102721_00001.log
    20:09:19.835 [38814] <2> initCiphers: Successfully initialized DH
    20:09:19.835 [38814] <2> initCiphers: Successfully initialized ECDH
    20:09:19.838 [38814] <2> bpjava_tls_ctx_init: TLS context initialization completed successfully
    20:09:19.843 [38814] <16> nb_tls_accept: ssl error [140276501698256:error:14094415:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate expired:s3_pkt.c:1498:SSL alert number 45 ]
    20:09:19.843 [38814] <16> tls_accept: FAILED!! while performing SSL/TLS handshake. This would result in NetBackup Admin Console failing to establish connection with this host.
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <16> session_secure_lookup: Unexpected error occurred while establishing TLS session.Possibly this could be a NetBackup Console establishing trust with the broker or User opted not to trust issuer of Machine certificate.This may also occur due to network blip or due to expired or invalid Machine certificate.
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <16> session_dispatch: session_secure_lookup FAILED!!! fd = 0
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <2> session_forget: fd = 0 local_session = 0x1456db0
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <2> poll_listen: poll_nfds now = 1, i = 0
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <2> poll_listen: removing fd = 0 from the poll list
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <2> poll_listen: poll_nfds now = 0
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <2> session_forget: request daemon dropping session/socket 0 (0 remaining)
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <2> session_forget: I am a dedicated child, don't wait for pid = -1
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <2> session_forget: DEAD session/socket 0, ShutDownUserServer = -1
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <2> KillSessionsJobs: getjobcount = 0
    20:09:19.844 [38814] <2> accept_exit: I am a dedicated child, >NO< unlink of /tmp/jbp-38813635358158520807000000000-y5unfW performed
    20:09:19.851 [38813] <2> poll_mainloop: switch default.., poll/select result = 1
    20:09:19.851 [38813] <2> poll_mainloop: ...........invoking dumb_session_forget (remove an active session from poll list) ... with fd = job = 4
    20:09:19.851 [38813] <2> session_forget: fd = 4 local_session = 0x1456db0
    20:09:19.852 [38813] <2> poll_listen: poll_nfds now = 1, i = 0
    20:09:19.852 [38813] <2> poll_listen: removing fd = 4 from the poll list
    20:09:19.852 [38813] <2> poll_listen: poll_nfds now = 0
    20:09:19.852 [38813] <2> session_forget: request daemon dropping session/socket 4 (0 remaining)
    20:09:19.852 [38813] <2> session_forget: wait for child (accept sock/fd = 4, pid = 38814)
    20:09:19.852 [38813] <2> session_forget: child session WIFEXITED() = 1, WEXITSTATUS()= 0
    20:09:19.852 [38813] <2> session_forget: DEAD session/socket 4, ShutDownUserServer = 42
    20:09:19.853 [38813] <2> KillSessionsJobs: getjobcount = 0
    20:09:19.853 [38813] <2> poll_mainloop: ...........back from Unknown ... with fd = job = -1
    20:09:19.853 [38813] <2> poll_mainloop: number active fds to poll = 0, current_active_sessions = 0, active_sessions_accepted = 1, ShutDown = 42
    20:09:19.853 [38813] <2> poll_mainloop: all done, code = 1
    20:09:19.853 [38813] <2> bpjava-msvc: poll_mainloop done
    20:09:19.853 [38813] <2> session_forget: fd = 0 local_session = (nil)
    20:09:19.853 [38813] <16> poll_listen: can't find file descriptor in polling table