Forum Discussion

netbackup22's avatar
6 years ago

can't connect to client

hello all 

i have the status 58 in our netbackup (job failed) and look this command when i was maked  and how you can advice me to troubleshooting the issue

>bptestbpcd.exe -client MPX-VM-NAVINT01 -verbose -debug
14:59:18.771 [12420.13224] <2> bptestbpcd: VERBOSE = 0
14:59:19.802 [12420.13224] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1709] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
14:59:21.443 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_pbx_c_supported: [vnet_vnetd.c:3508] VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED 13 0xd
14:59:21.474 [12420.13224] <8> do_vnetd_service: [vnet_connect.c:2036] remote host supports PBX, but PBX is not running 0 0x0
14:59:21.474 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:2030] VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET 6 0x6
14:59:21.474 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:2044] service bpcd
14:59:21.599 [12420.13224] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 640
14:59:22.630 [12420.13224] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1709] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
14:59:24.521 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_pbx_c_supported: [vnet_vnetd.c:3508] VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED 13 0xd
14:59:24.552 [12420.13224] <8> do_vnetd_service: [vnet_connect.c:2036] remote host supports PBX, but PBX is not running 0 0x0
14:59:24.552 [12420.13224] <8> do_vnetd_service: [vnet_connect.c:2072] connect VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 660
14:59:24.552 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:455] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa
14:59:24.552 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:480] ipc_string 23279
14:59:24.599 [12420.13224] <2> ConnectToBPCD: bpcd_connect_and_verify(MPX-VM-NAVINT01, MPX-VM-NAVINT01) failed: 46
14:59:25.630 [12420.13224] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1709] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
14:59:27.568 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_pbx_c_supported: [vnet_vnetd.c:3508] VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED 13 0xd
14:59:27.630 [12420.13224] <8> do_vnetd_service: [vnet_connect.c:2036] remote host supports PBX, but PBX is not running 0 0x0
14:59:27.630 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:2030] VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET 6 0x6
14:59:27.630 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:2044] service bpcd
14:59:27.662 [12420.13224] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 640
14:59:28.693 [12420.13224] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1709] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
14:59:30.615 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_pbx_c_supported: [vnet_vnetd.c:3508] VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED 13 0xd
14:59:30.646 [12420.13224] <8> do_vnetd_service: [vnet_connect.c:2036] remote host supports PBX, but PBX is not running 0 0x0
14:59:30.646 [12420.13224] <8> do_vnetd_service: [vnet_connect.c:2072] connect VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 660
14:59:30.646 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:455] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa
14:59:30.646 [12420.13224] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:480] ipc_string 23291
14:59:30.693 [12420.13224] <2> local_bpcr_connect: got an exit status error message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><StatusMsgDoc><StatusMsg NBUStatus="46" Severity="2" VXULoid="137" VXULtid="114"><P pos="0">mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra</P><P pos="1"></P><P pos="2">MPX-VM-NAVINT01.snmvt.intra</P><P pos="3"></P><MsgString>Request&#32;from&#32;host&#32;mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra&#32;(;to&#32;host&#32;MPX-VM-NAVINT01.snmvt.intra&#32;(;is&#32;not&#32;allowed&#32;access.</MsgString><StatusMsg NBUStatus="46" Severity="0" VXULoid="137" VXULtid="115"><P pos="0">mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra</P><P pos="1"></P><P pos="2">mpx-vm-navint01.snmvt.intra</P><MsgString>Host&#32;mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra&#32;(;is&#32;not&#32;an&#32;authorized&#32;server&#32;for&#32;host&#32;mpx-vm-navint01.snmvt.intra.</MsgString></StatusMsg></StatusMsg></StatusMsgDoc>
14:59:30.693 [12420.13224] <2> ConnectToBPCD: bpcd_connect_and_verify(MPX-VM-NAVINT01, MPX-VM-NAVINT01) failed: 46
<16>bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(MPX-VM-NAVINT01) failed: 46
14:59:30.709 [12420.13224] <16> bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(MPX-VM-NAVINT01) failed: 46
<16>bptestbpcd main: Request from host mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra ( to host MPX-VM-NAVINT01.snmvt.intra ( is not allowed access.
Host mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra ( is not an authorized server for host mpx-vm-navint01.snmvt.intra.
14:59:30.740 [12420.13224] <16> bptestbpcd main: Request from host mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra ( to host MPX-VM-NAVINT01.snmvt.intra ( is not allowed access. Host mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra ( is not an authorized server for host mpx-vm-navint01.snmvt.intra.
<2>bptestbpcd: server not allowed access
14:59:30.771 [12420.13224] <2> bptestbpcd: server not allowed access
<2>bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 46
14:59:30.771 [12420.13224] <2> bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 46
server not allowed access

I was searched more in the Veritas web can't  fix this issue,please help 

  • netbackup22 

    Now, please go back to your opening post and see what you posted there:

    netbackup22 wrote:

    hello all 

    i have the status 58 in our netbackup (job failed) and look this command when i was maked  and how you can advice me to troubleshooting the issue

    >bptestbpcd.exe -client MPX-VM-NAVINT01 -verbose -debug

    Why did you you perform bptestbpcd if you are doing agentless Hyper-V backup? 
    We have waisted exactly one week trying to troubleshoot status 46 instead of status 58.

    Can you please rather show us all the text in Activity Monitor details of the Status 58 job? 
    (You may need to re-run the policy that had this error because the failed backup from a week ago will be gone from Activity Monitor.)

  • Status 58 can be caused by many things, such as:  no route to client, hosts file entry overrides DNS entry, hosts file entry has wrong IP, DNS name has wrong IP, client is down, client powered-off, client lost networking, client changed IP, ports not open across firewall, client not installed, client stopped, client un-installed, VM was deleted, network cable fallen out of back of physical server, someone crept into the data centre and has stolen the server... anyway, status 58 effectively means that the server was unable, for whatever reason, to reach the client... my advice is start by checking name resolution and then check network path and then check firewall(s) on backup server and on backup client and on network hardware / switches / routers / firewalls.

    But you have status 46.

  • netbackup22 

    The problem is actually very clear from the output that posted:

    Request from host mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra ( to host MPX-VM-NAVINT01.snmvt.intra ( is not allowed access.
    Host mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra ( is not an authorized server for host mpx-vm-navint01.snmvt.intra.

    So, this means that there is no SERVER entry for mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra on host mpx-vm-navint01.snmvt.intra

    Have you tried to add Server entry? 

    • netbackup22's avatar
      Level 4

      hello  i don't understand  "no SERVER entry for mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra on host mpx-vm-navint01.snmvt.intra" 

      how can i add ? please  (it men to add the ip @ of mpx-py-bacup02.snmvt.intra into /et/host of mpx -vm-navint01.snmavti.intra ) but the vm mpx-vm-navint01 in hyper-v

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6


        Did you install NBU Client software on mpx-vm-navint01 ? 
        (It seems you or someone else did.)

        Is mpx-py-bkup02 your master server or a media server? 

        When you installed the software, there was  a screen where it asked for Master Server Name and Additional servers, right? 
        Was mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra added in the Master Server or Additional Server text box? 

        When you do that, it add the host names into the registry of the client as Server names. 

        Maybe the Server Name was added as mpx-py-bkup02, not as mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra. 

        What is happening now is that client mpx-vm-navint01 is receiving a connection request from  server mpx-py-bkup02 IP address - The client now tries to resolve the IP address to a hostname. 
        On this client, it resolves the IP address to hostname mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra.
        Next, it checks the NetBackup Server entries in it's own registry. 
        If hostname mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra is not listed as a Server, the connection request is rejected. Status 46. 

        You need to add mpx-py-bkup02.snmvt.intra in the Client's Server entries. 

        Please read up in NBU Admin Guide I chapter 3 about Host Properties. 

  • netbackup22 

    Now, please go back to your opening post and see what you posted there:

    netbackup22 wrote:

    hello all 

    i have the status 58 in our netbackup (job failed) and look this command when i was maked  and how you can advice me to troubleshooting the issue

    >bptestbpcd.exe -client MPX-VM-NAVINT01 -verbose -debug

    Why did you you perform bptestbpcd if you are doing agentless Hyper-V backup? 
    We have waisted exactly one week trying to troubleshoot status 46 instead of status 58.

    Can you please rather show us all the text in Activity Monitor details of the Status 58 job? 
    (You may need to re-run the policy that had this error because the failed backup from a week ago will be gone from Activity Monitor.)

    • netbackup22's avatar
      Level 4


      in the client you must be turn the netbackup service client up,in order to solve this issue it depends the differents cases