Forum Discussion

smakovits's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Capacity report

Is there an easy way within Opscenter 7.0.1 to run a capacity report?  I am trying to gather data to determine the amount of capacity required in the event I switch to the capacity licensing model from the client licensing.


I found this, but I was wondering if there was another way to get this same data out of Opscenter under 7.0.1.



  • OpsCenter (Analytics I believe) allows you to run a capacity report.

    However, to use it you have to install the OpsCenter agent on the NetBackup Master Server

    And when you run the report in OpsCenter it actually runs the nbdeployutil and just lets you save the resulting excel file

    So I would stick with running it manually - it exists by default in the admincmd directory on later versions of NBU

    Hope this helps

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  • OpsCenter (Analytics I believe) allows you to run a capacity report.

    However, to use it you have to install the OpsCenter agent on the NetBackup Master Server

    And when you run the report in OpsCenter it actually runs the nbdeployutil and just lets you save the resulting excel file

    So I would stick with running it manually - it exists by default in the admincmd directory on later versions of NBU

    Hope this helps

  • Capacity report is only available in 7.1 OpsCenter and the data it is based off of is not in 7.0.1 OpsCenter. 

  • It actually works quite well and only takes a few minutes to run the two commands - have done this many times for customers

    Otherwise run a Clients Backup Report for the last Month - sort by Full backups - delete any duplicates and sum the results

    The nbdeployutil is probably better, especially if you want to take something to Symantec to get you conversion quote.

  • OK, I just want to confirm a few things abou tthis report.


    The first is that i ran it from one of my media servers.  We have an AIX master, but since I am only the Windows Admin and my AIX guy is out, I installed the EEB (7.0.1) on a Windows media server and ran the report.  It appears complete as it lists my master and policies other than Windows, but it is always good to be sure.

    I see under analyzed, it only shows my master and none of my media servers, does this matter?


    The second thing is that I ran the commands,

    nbdeployutil --gather --capacity and nbdeployutil --report --capacity


    Is this enough to get my capacity information to be used for licensing or should I be running something else?

    If this is adequate, how do I decioher the data reported?  I see two numbers, one is capacity totals and the other is flagged capacity which is less than capacity totals.  Does one include incrementals while the other is just the total of the fulls?


  • Media server should be fine The different totals are caused by apps exchange and SQL where just need to double check that databases are not backed up twice (file system and application) It would also be nice I'd you marked the answer that helped you the most rather than your own thread Thanks
  • Thanks Mark,  I added your entry as the solution.  


    So which total is the one I want to use for sizing?                                                                                                                                                                 

  • Always difficult to be sure - as I am sure you realise if you have had a look through the "Interpreting The Results" tab on the report.

    The safe side figure is the "Charged TB" in blue but the possible overlaps are shown in the "Flagged Capacity" figures

    Probably best to pass the report to your Symantec Rep to see what he wants to quote you based on the output.

    Bear in mind that if you fancy some de-dupe you will get a far better deal if you buy that at the same time as the capacity license than if you decide to add it on later.

    Shop around if you can to get the best quote