Celerra Client Setup - NDMP
I am trying to figure out how to install a celerra client on netbackup 6.5.6
We will be using NDMP remote.
I am trying to install a SAN client, I insert the name or browse but it does detect it as a SAN client?
Do I have to complete something first to the celerra instance?
Am I going about it the right way?
You need to Authorize the NetBackup server to access the NDMP hosts you want to back
up. (you need to do this for both options)
Do the following on the NetBackup media server:
■ Under Media and Device Management > Credentials, click on NDMP Hosts. Under Actions, choose New > NDMP Host to display the NDMP Host dialog box.
■ Enter the name of the NDMP server (NAS filer) to back up. This NDMP host name is case sensitive.
■ Repeat the above for each NDMP host that the NetBackup server backs up.Option 1 - Remote NDMP
- Simply create a policy of NDMP type, add the NDMP device as the client, add the volumes to back (/home /public etc), point it to a storage unit.
Option 2 - Direct attached tape or SSO setup (you assign some tapes to the NDMP device which are dedicated or shared)
- Verify that the NDMP host can access the required robots and drives. To verify NDMP host access to the required devices, run the following commands on a NetBackup media server that is authorized to access the host:
tpautoconf -verify ndmp_host_name tpautoconf -probe ndmp_host_name
The -verify option verifies that the NetBackup server can access the NDMP host. The -probe option lists the devices that are visible to the NDMP host.
- Do the device configurtion
In the NetBackup Administration Console, click Configure Storage Devices to launch the Device Configuration Wizard.
Click Next on the Welcome screen. The Device Hosts screen appears.
Under Device Hosts, place a check beside the NetBackup media server that accesses the NDMP host.
Click the server name to select it and click Change.
In the Change Device Host screen, place a check beside NDMP server. Click OK
In the Device Hosts screen, "NDMP" is now listed in the Optional Devices to be Scanned column for the media server.
Click Next to continue.
In the NDMP Hosts screen that shows the NDMP host(s) where you can configure devices, click Next to configure the NDMP-attached devices.
Follow the screens in the wizard to complete the configuration (it will create a new storage unit)
Then just create the policy, same as in option 1, but specifiy the NDMP storage unit.