Forum Discussion

Yuvi's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

Change journal Option.

Netbackup and Windows 2003 R2 64 bit.

I need to know about change journal option in windows client it is enabled and as suggested if this is enabled use Acceleator should also enabled but in our environment it is greyed out.

Change journal and  use Acceleator options are used for deduplication ? 

Tape backups supports these option , can i disable those change journal in client in tape bakups.

  • WOFB is a different issue - in no way related to 'change journal'.

    I agree with sazz - your original query has been answered. Please start a new discussion for hanging WOFB.

    Your client seems to have a problem with VSS.

    Check Event Viewer logs and ensure bpbkar and bpfis log folders exist.

8 Replies

  • Yes, change journal is only useful with dedupe backup to MSDP or other dedupe storage that supports Accelerator.

    I believe this is explained in NBU Admin Guide I.

    Disable change journal for tape backup.

  • Yeah Thanks Marianne , but disabling Change journal enabled WOFB job is hanging 

    is there any relation.

  • No direct relation, as you mentioned before that your Accelerator is grayed out and you are disabling change journal so it would be normal archive bit backup with wofb.

    Read this for Change Journaling:

    Reason why accelartor is disabled is here:

  • Are you saying that the backup runs fine when you enable change log but hangs when you disable it? Do you have bpfis and bpbkar logs enabled on the client? Any errors in Event Viewer logs?
  • What makes you think it is hanging? Please post the output. Is it stuck on a particular file for a long time? If that is the case then enable the bpbkar with verbosity 5 on client to check where it is getting stuck and find out if file is corrupt or too big ?

    Please provide us more information? The query started with simple question which I guess is answered and this now seems to be a different issue to me?

  • When enabled WOFB backup hangs at "sending files to client" and bpfis and bpbkar started and not even estimated kilobytes is showing.

    When i go a head and disable WOFB its running and bpbkar process alone running. And looking strange to analyse it.

  • WOFB is a different issue - in no way related to 'change journal'.

    I agree with sazz - your original query has been answered. Please start a new discussion for hanging WOFB.

    Your client seems to have a problem with VSS.

    Check Event Viewer logs and ensure bpbkar and bpfis log folders exist.