Forum Discussion

Volker_Spies1's avatar
12 years ago

Change Tape Drive Name

Hi, I have 2 tape libraries wich 10 drives each. The NBU wizard did the configuration and now I'm able to use these 20 drives. the drives are names Drive000 -> Drive019, unfortunately the drives ...
  • revarooo's avatar
    12 years ago

    Change the drive on the media server. You can do it in the GUI or use tpconfig



    (Update drive)
       tpconfig -update -drive <drvindex>
                [-type <drvtype>] [-path <drivepath>]
                [-nh <ndmp_hostname>] [-noverify]
                [-vhname <optical_volume_header_drive_name>]
                [-newasciiname <asciidrvname>] [-shared [yes|no]]
                [-cleanfreq <hours>] [-comment <comment>]
                [-drstatus UP|DOWN|DISABLED] [-robot <robnum> -robtype <robtype>]
                [-robdrnum <robdrvnum> | -VendorDrvName <vendor_drive_name>]
                [-ACS <acsnum> -LSM <lsmnum> -PANEL <panelnum> -DRIVE <drivenum>]
    tpconfig -update -drive <drv index> -newasciiname <name>
    that should do it - give it a try.
    You will need to restart media manager once done