Forum Discussion

rashi_jain's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

change the logon account service using command line netbackup

Hello all,

in netbackup i  want to change the logon account service using command line allthough i already know how to change the services manually but it is not helpful for my testing purpose.


Manual procedure is mention below"

To configure the log on account for the NetBackup Client Services

Any one  help me.......any kind of help is appreciated...



  1. Open the Windows Services application.

  2. Double-click on the NetBackup Client Service entry.

  3. Click on the Log On tab.

  4. If Local System account is not selected as the Log on as account, proceed with step 9.

  5. Provide the name of the user account that you created for the NetBackup Client Service.

    The account must include the domain name, followed by the user account, domain_name\account. For example, recovery\netbackup.

  6. Type the password.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Stop and start the NetBackup Client Service.

  9. Close the Services control panel application

  10. I want to done above mention procedure but using command.

  • Give it a try


    sc.exe config "Service Name" obj= "DOMAIN\User" password= "password"


    Note that the space after the equals is important.  You can also set the startup type with:


    NetBackup client service is bpcd with swith -standalone

  • Think what you are after is something like the sc commands

    sc config <servicename> obj= <accountname> password= <password>.

    sc stop <servicename>

    sc start <servicename>

  • can you please provide me an example  ??? on run above command i am always getting error "inavlid username or does not exist or inavlid password"

  • You should use this command when changing back to Local System:

    sc config "servicename" obj= LocalSystem password= LocalSystem


  • Give it a try


    sc.exe config "Service Name" obj= "DOMAIN\User" password= "password"


    Note that the space after the equals is important.  You can also set the startup type with:


    NetBackup client service is bpcd with swith -standalone