Forum Discussion

chakkrit_on's avatar
12 years ago

Cluster & Replicate Netbakup master server 3 site

I would like to consult about netbackup concept about Can i do?

I have 3 server by 2 server in local site , 1 server in drsite.I design 2 server in local site use VCS for cluster (1 server Active & 1 server Standby) and Replicate(VVR) to Drsite (1 server for Standby replicate catalog )

I have question.

  1. Can I use Standby server  for local site promote to media server for backup in local site but still working master standby too? If cannot please recomment to me for solution.
  2. Can I use Standby server  for DRsite promote to media server for backup in DRsite but still working master standby too(replicate from master) ? If cannot please recomment to me for solution.

Best regard


2 Replies

  • I would suggest doing none of these, since making the DR site box a media would mean that you cannot make it a master as well..


    Setup the DR Master as an AIR (Auto Image Replication) Target for your catalog backups. This will allow you to use the DR system locally for backup as well as serve as a DR master in the event that the primary systems both cese to function.


    Best of luck

  • Thank you so much for your suggestion.

    In  this envilonment cannot use AIR feature because not backup to disk and not have disk for backup.I will backup direct to tape.