Forum Discussion

Kaio_Tonheiro's avatar
9 years ago


Hello for everyone,  

       I need your help with nbu 7.6.1, code error 13.

       System of master: Windows 2008 r2 standard

       System do média server: Windows 2008 r2 Enterprise

       Version NBU: 7.6.1


Error LOG:.

2/2/2016 6:36:04 PM - Info nbjm(pid=5828) starting backup job (jobid=172966) for client CD170-TS, policy CDGRU_CD170-TS_DB_RFENCABIDADO_SQL_LOG, schedule Default-Application-Backup  
2/2/2016 6:36:04 PM - Info nbjm(pid=5828) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=172966, request id:{DAADCE33-368D-4E10-98E1-23D00E51A615})  
2/2/2016 6:36:04 PM - requesting resource R-CDGNETBKPPRD1-STU-DISK-DEDUP
2/2/2016 6:36:04 PM - requesting resource r-cdgnetbkpprd1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.CD170-TS
2/2/2016 6:36:04 PM - requesting resource r-cdgnetbkpprd1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.CDGRU_CD170-TS_DB_RFENCABIDADO_SQL_LOG
2/2/2016 6:36:04 PM - granted resource r-cdgnetbkpprd1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.CD170-TS
2/2/2016 6:36:04 PM - granted resource r-cdgnetbkpprd1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.CDGRU_CD170-TS_DB_RFENCABIDADO_SQL_LOG
2/2/2016 6:36:04 PM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaal;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=R-CDGNETBKPPRD1-MSDP;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=r-cdgnetbkpprd1;MediaServer=r-cdgnetbkpprd1
2/2/2016 6:36:04 PM - granted resource R-CDGNETBKPPRD1-STU-DISK-DEDUP
2/2/2016 6:36:05 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed
2/2/2016 6:36:05 PM - Info nbjm(pid=5828) started backup (backupid=CD170-TS_1454445364) job for client CD170-TS, policy CDGRU_CD170-TS_DB_RFENCABIDADO_SQL_LOG, schedule Default-Application-Backup on storage unit R-CDGNETBKPPRD1-STU-DISK-DEDUP
2/2/2016 6:36:06 PM - started process bpbrm (10296)
2/2/2016 6:36:08 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=10296) CD170-TS is the host to backup data from     
2/2/2016 6:36:08 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=10296) reading file list for client        
2/2/2016 6:36:08 PM - connecting
2/2/2016 6:36:11 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=10296) listening for client connection         
2/2/2016 6:36:19 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=10296) INF - Client read timeout = 2100000      
2/2/2016 6:36:19 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=10296) accepted connection from client         
2/2/2016 6:36:19 PM - Info dbclient(pid=22020) Backup started           
2/2/2016 6:36:19 PM - connected; connect time: 0:00:11
2/2/2016 6:36:20 PM - Info bptm(pid=10388) start            
2/2/2016 6:36:21 PM - Info bptm(pid=10388) using 262144 data buffer size        
2/2/2016 6:36:23 PM - Info bptm(pid=10388) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes      
2/2/2016 6:36:23 PM - Info bptm(pid=10388) using 32 data buffers         
2/2/2016 6:36:27 PM - Info bptm(pid=10388) start backup           
2/2/2016 6:36:38 PM - Info bptm(pid=10388) backup child process is pid 15096.6688       
2/2/2016 6:36:38 PM - begin writing
2/2/2016 6:36:39 PM - Info bptm(pid=15096) start            
2/2/2016 6:36:40 PM - Info dbclient(pid=22020) dbclient(pid=22020) wrote first buffer(size=65536)         
2/2/2016 6:39:47 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=10296) socket read failed, An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.  (10054)
2/2/2016 6:40:05 PM - Info r-cdgnetbkpprd1(pid=10388) StorageServer=PureDisk:r-cdgnetbkpprd1; Report=PDDO Stats (multi-threaded stream used) for (r-cdgnetbkpprd1): scanned: 2891779 KB, CR sent: 1430 KB, CR sent over FC: 0 KB, dedup: 100.0%, cache hits: 0 (0.0%)
2/2/2016 6:40:06 PM - Info dbclient(pid=22020) done. status: 13: file read failed       
2/2/2016 6:40:06 PM - end writing; write time: 0:03:28
file read failed (13)



My greetings for all.

  • Find that my dns server was in error and my network was flashing , I put the server in question within the resiliency and up to date showed no more mistakes.



    thank you all for the help



    Kaio Tonheiro (Linkedin and Facebook).


21 Replies