Compressing old netbackup catalog images
I''m running NetBackup 7.6 envrionment. I would like to compress old images let say clients that were backedup before 90 days. I had enabled this in master server properties and restarted NBU.
Our catalog size is 300GB and we get very less restore requests so planning to compress old catalog.
1) How would I ensure that NBU compresses the old images (by the way on my linux master ncompress is also installed)
2) There are few .lck files and I'm sure few images could be depending on older images. How would I compress in that situation
3) Suppose if I compress the catalog, will I be able to browse the image details in BAR ? so that at the time of restore i can uncompress it.
4) How much time it will take to compress or uncompress
Better yu enable compression of catalog at Netbackup level.
Activity Monitor>> Host properties>> master server>> Global Attiributes>> compress catalog interval.
enable this option and let NBU do compression of catalog.