Forum Discussion

liuyang's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Configure client side deduplication

Hi, our master server is NBU It is also the only media server. There are no other media servers. We have a few clients which are all Windows clients to back up. The backup LAN is only 100MB/s. We are thinking to use client side deduplication on all the clients. 

I did some research and found the link below:

It seems there are a few configurations need to be done and some are optional. 

My question is:

What is the best practise for client side deduplicaiton? When shall we do those optional configurations?

Thanks in advance.

  • Are you using MSDP/NBU appliance storage in your environment? If so, then all you need to do is to do ths


    If you're not using MSDP/NBU appliance storage then you need to get that done first.

  • As said in previous reply



    No limitations / restrictions.


    If the clients have many files (>1000000) you could enable accelerator as well.


    With NetBackup clients at 7.5.0.x, multistreaming is supported, but ONLY for a maximum of 2 streams..

  • You need to give us more specific of "what is not working as expected", any error code or message?

    If it's just taking too long, it could mean the client you setup for deduplication is not up to the system requirements, things like:

    - Client being a 32bit OS.
    - RAM/CPU/disk performance on client. If it only has 4GB RAM or an Intel Core 2 Duo or below, that's probably not good enough.

    Note that having a client-side deduplication means that you are having a deduplication engine running on the client itself, before sending the dedup data over to media server. So the client ought to have the "power" to run the deduplication. 

    If all the above are good, client-side dedup should be fine. Well.. first backup might be slow, but subsequently with the deduplication it will get faster over time (unless more new data are coming in).

    For logs, you can check nbostpxy & bpbkar on the client, increase to verbose=5 if needed.